

Lets Study💜
You are 10th now so..
Firstly you can use Writco in between gaps of your classes🙂.
Now goin on study routine and play etc etc..

Sunday: There will be no classes, So you can use this day especially for your novel writings, and advantage is you can post novels to writco weekly.

And for relaxtion purpose i suggest on Sunday's cover only 1 subject and enjoy ur day..
That too cover imp.subject.

Now on other days:
Subject's must be ur wish, study accordingly but during this period don't waste time on another stuff.
Start study


4:00-4:15= you can use phone/any other stuff. (i suggest listen music)

4:20-5:20=1 subject (read)

5:30-6:30= Your time(as u wish,do wtever u want)

6:30-7:15=deal with ur homework

After tuition,dinner and all..
Instead of phone

Cover one more subject for 1 hour..(read)

Sleep on 10:30pm ..
if not possible still ensure you get atleast 6 hrs sleep..

Guess you wakeup at 6:00am so after freshen up you can do your homework for..
6:30 to 7:30am.
Moreover we have online class, and if ongoin class is not imp. Tht time can help you for homework.

I know this is kind of strict but for 10th purpose it is best i am gonna start this same🙂.

All the best😃
If any worries text me🙂.

Funfact:Even i am worried about this study plan, but i will surely try do my 100%
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