

**Warning: Potentially polarizing story ahead**

"She told me she considers me just a friend, JUST A FRIEND!!", I yelled.

"Calm down, Raj. People are looking at us", Vikram said, staring straight into my watery eyes.

"Man I thought if I'm always there for her when she needs, she'll see me the way I saw her. But she chose Tom. TOM!!" I yelled again.

Vikram didn't reply. He just looked at me knowing that he can't do anything to stop me from screaming in the cafe with all the people around. So I continued.

"Tom? Really? How could she?" Now tears started coming out from my eyes. My voice started breaking down as I said, "I never thought she'd fall for him just because he is taller and well built. That a**hole spends all his day at the gym and has sh*t in his head. Have you ever heard that f**ker talk? He only knows how to use curse words and nothing else. How could she fall for a man like that?"

"Well, you sound more like him right now", Vikram said. He didn't show it but I'm pretty sure was controlling his laughter.

"But is it my mistake that I'm ugly? Man, why did God make me this way?" I was literally crying now.

"I understand your situation, Raj. I really do. But I don't think I can give you the right advice. You're broken, man. You need the right person to help you. I know this person, Dr. Mohan. He's a friend of my cousin. He will definitely be able to help", Vikram said softly.

"What? No. I don't want to listen to some therapist tell me I'm looking at life the wrong way. All he'll say is to not feel bad about my appearance and accept myself for what I am. I have heard that enough"

"Raj. I know you are not a believer in such stuff. Dr. Mohan is not a therapist or psychiatrist"

"I don't care what he is. I don't need help from an unknown person"

"He's a scientist"

The door opened and a man appeared. He looked like he was in his early 30's or so.

"Dr. Mohan?", I said.

"Oh hi, you must be Raj. Please, come in"

He served tea and sat down in the living room with me. Apparently his wife was out for work and he was doing his research at home. His research was related to physics informed neural networks or something. That's not important.

"I… ah.. I was…" I didn't know how to get started. This man was not a psychiatrist that I should start with the crying part.

"I know why you are here. Your friend Vikram gave me the gist of it", he said.

That made it easier for me. So I told the entire story (dramaticized to a small extent as usual) in one breath.

"Well, she's not the right choice. Look for someone else", he said immediately, taking a sip from his cup.

I swear to God, if he would have said something like 'If she judges someone from his outside appearance then she's not the right person to be with', or 'You deserve someone who likes you for who you are', or any of those standard phrases, I would have walked out right away and punched Vikram on his face. But what he said next surprised me.

"She's not evolved much yet"

I didn't quite understand what he said. "I'm sorry what?" I asked.

"You know, uh…"


"Oh yeah, Raj. You know, we as humans started like any other animal around us. Females chose mates who were stronger and could protect them from other animals. And similarly, males chose females who appeared healthy so that she could carry his child without any problem.
"But then humans started getting smarter. We shed our body hair and replaced it with stylish clothes, invented the wheel and all that stuff. Now we need to understand that to survive as a species, we need brains over brawns. Your country will win the war if you know how to make a missile, not how to lift hundred kilograms with one arm.
"If human females still have the instinct to choose their mates based on how their biceps look, I'm sorry but they are not evolved enough to understand that they need a smarter offspring. It shows they still have the instincts of their ape ancestors. It's best to not encourage such instincts to be passed on to the next generation. Of course, you need your offspring to be healthy, but what's the point if your offspring just consumes the resources of the planet and gives nothing in return?
"And this applies to men too. If we are looking for an attractive woman without having any knowledge about her smarts, then I'm sorry but we as a species are taking a step backwards in our evolution"

I kinda became speechless. To be honest, as an engineer (to-be-engineer to be specific), I believe a lot more in science than in spiritual jargon. And what he said just now did make me feel better. But his explanation seemed kinda rough. If it was someone else sitting in my place, I'm pretty sure they would punch this man on his face. I don't know if that's the reason why he has a patch on his left eyebrow.

"Woah, that was…"

"Ah, I'm a bit straightforward. Please don't take it to heart but what I said is pretty much the truth. My advice is usually polarizing so I don't usually have many visitors"

"No. I mean, that really made me feel better", I said honestly.

"Really? I'm glad. By the way, why didn't you visit a therapist instead?"

"I'm an engineer, you know. I believe in science. I don't want a therapist to talk about conscience and stuff"

"Well, they are not wrong about human psychology", he said.

"You are saying this?" I was surprised.

"I'm a scientist, not some kind of atheist or whatever", he said.

#WritcoStoryPrompt89 #life #relationship #love #motivation

© arpan