

The sun was setting in the horizon. I watched it and wondered should I walk towards it or wait back.

If I go towards the sun, they would carry me away. I can never go back to his arms... but if I don't, they'll forever haunt his dreams.

"The sun is setting, Soledad. You should make your decision quick." The old man that has protected us for a long time told me, his blind eyes never leaving the setting sun.

"I-I can't decide... I love him, but he and I were never meant to be. But, this is nature, right? We still can be together even if the whole world is against us?" I asked him, wanting an answer. He should know the answer to this, he knows the answer to everything!

That is why my heart dropped, losing all hope when he said with this.

"That might be true, but your nature makes it impossible for you to go against the normal." I shed tears, I still have a few minutes before the sun sets and I can join my sisters up there and be back with our mother.

"Could he and I still meet even when I go back?"

"We will find out, young one. You should tell him your decision, he is coming." The old man's senses picked up the footsteps on the sand. My beloved has come for he knows me very well.

And I know very well that he would not try to stop me from going back to my mother and sisters.

"Soledad, it seems you have chosen." There has been a time where I was shocked as to how he can read my mind and my decisions, not knowing the mysterious abilities of the silvery moon. But now, I know enough.

"Have you known this for a long time? Is that why you have not left my side even when I burn you so?" The sole reason as to why our kind cannot be together. He cannot handle my power and my light, as he is filled with black burns from my kisses and touches.

"Yes, and I will not try to stop you." I smiled, knowing him he would know the reason behind this.

A Moonchild cannot be one with a child of the Sun.

I, a child of the sun, can burn him and a part of the moon can be gone. And a Moonchild such as him cannot keep a part of the sun for the whole Earth needs me.

"I wish we could still be together..." I told him, a safe distance in between us to not burn him again.

"Me as well but... it seems that everything is against our love the second it was conceived." Tears fell on both our eyes. This is the last time we will see each other, the last time where we can behold each other in our sights. He has been badly burny yesterday and cannot handle more of me.

"It is time." I looked behind me and saw my mother waiting for me. And when I looked back, I saw his own waiting for his hand to come back.

"Goodbye, my Moonchild."

"Goodbye, my Sun."

When I took my mother's hand, a wave of regret washed over me. I should have kissed him, touched him one last time before we let go of each other.

My mother was about to lift both of us when I pulled my hand away from her. Knowing him, he would have read me before I even thought of it.

"Daughter! Where are you going?"

"To erase my last regret, mother!"

I saw him running towards me, and his mother the Moon following him, the same as my mother who is trying to reach for me.

When we were near each other, our Mothers were near too-

And a majestic phenomenon happened.

"Look at there! The moon is covering the sun!" A human shouted out of nowhere.

"Oh my! What is this? Is this a sign?"

"A mysterious event! And I see the stars around them as well!"

Our kiss gave birth to the "Eclipse". Every now and then, our mothers would allow us to meet. Just for a very short time, enough for my beloved to not be too hurt from my glow. Then, we would separate and wait for his wounds to heal for our next meeting.

This is how the Eclipse is born.