

Dream out#
The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he had killed her... The room was lighted with candles. A drop of silence was going inside him. A sudden light sparked his body and shook his body. The knife fell down from his hands. He was in the state of anxious. Don't know what to do, his mind and heart where putting many questions to him. He was full drowning with sweat. He started to think that he is going to drown into himself.
He sat down and decided to stop his over thinking. He just closed his eyes and started to murmur " cool, relax, everything is fine" repeatedly. After a few minutes somehow settled and his heartbeat was normal.
He then slowly turned and saw the death body. It was like a beautiful statue with no moment in it. No one will say it a death one, a beautiful girl sleeping....
Suddenly he strikeout that its death and i whom have killed with my hands. I have not seen her in my life. How she came here? what would be the reason for killing her? Did anyone killed her and trying to put it on me???
Suddenly he saw the girl's eyes were looking with live and she started to get up slowly and came near him.... and called him by his name. He got stuck and began to get up from bed and fall down.
Everything vanished in a second and he found only him inside the room and the door opened his mother entered with coffee saying good morning.....😄 then he quickly understood its just his dream..😁.

© arjun krishna