

Breaking Point
Hey, Ice Shield your an amazing jumper ! Is that
why you have a kangaroo hero uniform you wear everyday? Your kinda like robin and Batman. Hello, Ice Shield . Hello, Samantha Brookerson and also Catwoman, but Catwoman is a villain mostly with a crowded mind says Darien Morrison.
She will never last not just one time. Samantha Brookerson she goes against Batman a couple times in each comic book.
Look, Ice Shield you are a real powerful man hero no matter what I said about Catwoman. I know I'm a girl. I like to fight war. Someday, when the government is hiding
their secret evil missions by making it worse than it has a ever been for kids. I got a great photo of you again Ice Shield. You're the greatest! Does your hero uniform do that all the time? With some clicks before something takes place? Yes, it does.
By the way, Ice Shield you jump like a kangaroo as if you were in a Ice Shield attending an adventurous battlefield to fight for us. You bring a small crowd every time it happens. I would like to congratulate you Ice Shield. You're not an eagle, but who's to say they need Batman.
they will need a screenshot for that not a foolish person. What do you think Ice Shield ? Just don't take a shot at any drinks okay stay young while the flowers are still good don't fall and collapse on us, okay? You stay strong for the kiddos. I will be heroic for the kids.
I got to go now to this battlefield to meet
Naomi Korma AKA Rank-Frog to defeat her there. I'm the kangaroo jumping heroic Ice Shield. It's not that I can see you, but it's been awhile since I fought you Naomi. Wow! That's great news. I've got to buy me a newspaper to read the article about myself. Good! Let's fight! I will win this battle
Naomi Korma! Let's fight Ice Shield ! I'll make sure I get a screenshot when you slip and fall.
Ice Shield reaches for his bow and arrows aiming at Naomi Korma AKA Rank-frog.
He hits her twice then jumps back up in mid -air landing on his feet. Ice Shield shot a tricky arrow that shoots out a net from the center of the arrow over Naomi Korma.Ice Shield then backs off from Naomi Korma into the shadows holding his bow waiting for the first police officer to arrive and arrest her for polluting the air with some frog poison- type virus that will make mosquitoes drink human blood and even more that will cause a serious skin reaction that will probably need Ice Shield as a gifted hero with a power to supply a cure. Ice Shield power source was called absorption and water bending that will stop Naomi Korma from from forming a bunch
of poisonous frogs that could have been hopping around himself or other people. He tried to save them multiple times. Ice Shield knew the poison would control livestock, but he had to notify the farmers and markets
not to sell their livestock. I must
not be late I must warn the cops about this
theory right away before there is some type of a destruction somewhere downtown.
I must jump off now like a kangaroo
but higher up than anyone expected even over buildings and bridges all over Salt Lake City, Utah. To get to the locations where the crime started at in Utah, where criminals are soldiers. On to the villain's secret world in Salt Lake City, where incredibly dangerous things happen. The villains keep attacking Salt Lake City every other week to bring out Slingshot from his secret lair to have a conversation about Naomi Karma's minor problems dealing with the city.

to overrun the government to control the people's power and the politicians to be released do to an arrest made on her way to the hospital
to engage on any wounded victims that was
wounded by her crooks after all she finish the job said Ice Shield to Darien Morrison
Naomi Korma probably made it to the hospital to finish injuring her victims to send me a message after all I Ice Shield
I must go now for Naomi Korma is not stopping she is moving breaking the victim
down I'm recording the moment sending the videos to the news reporters said Robert Morrison the nurse to himself standing up in front of the hallway window looking at the others run around in the parking lot screaming about Naomi Korma and her trap to remain in the hospital for a month to complete her evil mission to make a bomb from scratch to take over the injured
mind's with mind control technology to make sure they are the next up as villains
to inherit Naomi Korma AKA Rank-frog hero
problem in Salt Lake City where no one in America will be playing hero with the people, said Naomi Korma. after this mind control program takes over the hospital I
Naomi Korma will be written in the Columbus dispatch newspaper. local new reporters will be filming the hospital for their story it's all about Naomi Korma defeating.Ice Shield, that will cause a global warning a beginning of the Cold War against the villain Naomi Korma AKA Rank-frog.
and her Posse the mind control handicap soldiers that will be lead against their hero
Ice Shield that will come and free the hospital patients from mind control
and the Rank-frog program that will bring
Naomi Korma fully powered to fight Ice Shield. for a least a couple of hours at night these two will be finished fighting. the Cold War will have every frog under Rank-frog frozen to death. and nearly the whole world
will be cold. walking around shocked of the battle by Ice Shield and Naomi Korma AKA Rank-frog the legends.walking away from a long battle after one was frozen.by Ice Shield
the water Bender from an old ancient water tribe where a boy was born. Around a group
of survivors that taught him Tai Chi a martial art style used for waterbending

© Tristan Antwan Heidelburg