

My First love
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer at our vacation home when all we did was swim in the beach or lie on it's edge. It was spectacular. One day, my parents could not accompany me so they dropped me on a playground at a park.
I kept crying because I desperately wanted to see the ocean. Suddenly a boy walked up to me and asked why I was crying. This boy had wavy blonde hair and blue eyes similar in color with the sea. I told him why I was crying and he decided to help me get there, with much difficulty of course but the adventure was worthwhile and fun. When we arrived at the beach, he forbade me from swimming because he too did not know how to swim. What a strange boy.
We had long walks and talks on the beach. Since we could not swim, we played with the water. We even built sandcastles. What a blast we had. We returned back to the playground and there, our parents picked us up. We promised to be meeting each other there at the playground during that summer.
When summer was over, our only form of contact was written letters. A few months passed by and summer was there again. We were now 14 years old. I harassed my parents to take me to the vacation home again that summer so that I could meet him again.
I waited enthusiastically at our meeting spot in the playground, the blue slide. When he arrived a few minutes later, I could not help embracing him tightly. I noticed how he was now taller than me but I didn't mind because of how badly I wanted to see him. He chuckled a bit and hugged me back. I hugged him more tightly, causing him to stumble and fall. I was now on top of him. He looked shocked like he was seeing me for the first time.

"Your hair is longer"-He said as he played with a lock of my hair.

Well that is what happens when one gets older. We grow, We both did. After a lengthy conversation, I invited him over to my vacation house. After dinner, he left. The next day, he came over with his parents for barbecue. We snuck some food and snacks into my room and played mortal kombat on my X-box. After that, we fell asleep on each other on the floor. The next day I found out that he was leaving with his family to london for school. He told me that he may never come back there and promised to write. I cried for hours in his arms upon hearing that. Before we said our good byes, he sneaked in a kiss at the door and bid me farewell.
Flustered, I went up to my room and buried my beet red face into my pillow. I layed awake the entire night thinking about the kiss. It was reflected on my face the next day when I came to see him and his family off. He smiled and hugged me. He then made me promised to never forget him before he left with his parents in their blue minivan. How could I possibly forget him?.....He was my first love.

We never lost touch with each other. We kept our friendship intact even though years went by. I had many relationships some ended miserably. Deep in my heart all I really wanted was the lovely Blue hue I saw on that playground.
© Demmijay