

What If
Do you believe in God? Do you believe in faith? Do you believe in forgiveness? Do you believe a person can change? What if you were never heard? What if your whole life you never felt wanted or loved . What if as a child you craved the attention and affection from your parents. What if your parents didn't know how to love you correctly because they grew up in broken homes?? What if you seek validation from others. What if you had sex with grown men at 12 because they gave you attention. What if your mother didn't mind as long a s you were out of her hair. What if she was an alcoholic because her father was an alcoholic. What if she always screamed and lacked communication with you because her parents didn't communicate to her healthy. What if you had siblings you had to protect because you alcoholic mother didn't. What if you always had to be the string tough one. What if you are always angry as a teen and don't understand why. What if your mother tried to commit suicide in front of you servals times. What if She had you in bars and around weirdos at 7. What if she got a boyfriend from the bar who was an alcoholic. What if he beat her in front of you. What if the she stole your identity and ran up 5 credit cards in your name. What if she hit you because she was always drunk. What if you grow older and get a boyfriend. What if he was an inmate. What if he showed you more love than anyone you have ever met in your life. What if you moved in with him. What if you broke his heart and cheated on him because you don't know how to love. What if he became controlling and abusive because he didn't trust you anymore. What if He came from a broken home. What if he didn't know how to communicate healthy either. What if you are called whore and allow it because you think you deserve it. What if you have his children and realize you never want them to feel the pain that you did. What if you have an awaking and break the cycle. What if you went to counseling and understand why you act the way you do. What if you realize it's not your fault. What if you take control of your life. What if you you become the best version of yourself that you never knew existed. What if you can help others. It's not your fault when things happen to us in childhood our brains are formed around trauma. What if someone told you it is okay and understands you. What if I told you , You can and you will be the best version of yourself. Mental health is so important for not just ourselves but for our children and their children. Break the cycle.