

I was smiling while looking at the reactions and shares of my profile, I am a famous because of my pictures. The attention I get is nice asf. It's satisfy me.

"Wow. You look pretty."

"You are a goddess!"

"Please I'm in love!"

"Your pictures made my day!"

"Angelic face!"

These comments is my food. I am always satisfy it gives me confident and yes I admit that I love the attention.

"You really are pretty babe." I read the message of my boyfriend. We are in a relationship for a year now, we knew each other because of instagram and facebook.

He courted and he really loves all my pictures, it was nice and I feel so good everytime he complimented me. I smile and reply to his message.

"I am? Thanks for that, as always you make me feel so beautiful. Your compliment is more than enough!" He is handsome too.

"What if we will meet each other?" Because of his message my smile is gone.

I literally go to the bathroom and check my face. Pimples and dry skin. I bite my lips and read his message again, I would be able to reply with his message about meeting up? I close my eyes and reply.

"I am not pretty in personal babe." I said. I love him and I think I need to be honest with him.

I am pretty in my pictures because of filter.

"Nah. You're pretty for me." I smile because of it again. Maybe because he really accept me for who I am.


My hands went cold and I look at the places. He literally come here for me. Our distance won't stop him he said that to me. I feel love all of sudden because of it.

"Sis, are you sure about this?" I look at my friend who is with me. I smile and nod excitedly.

"Yes of course! I've been waiting for this to come!" I said and look at my sorroundings. My phone vibrated.

"Where are you? I am here at the café you said." I look around outside of the café.

My eyes widen because I saw him! He is handsome asf and yes his pictures says it all, he literally have this cool vibes!

I look at my friend and pointed Nash."This is him!"

"Woah. He is handsome." My friend said and just nod. I shook my head and smile.

I walk towards to him and he look at me."Yes miss?"

"I uh--" I can't talk because he is damn handsome! His perfume smells good!

"You need anything, Miss? Sorry but will you move a bit? My girlfriend will misunderstand us if she will see--" I didn't finish his words and smile.

"You are really loyal, huh? This is me, your girlfriend Andrea." He look at me. I smile at him and I was about to hug him when he stop me.

"You kidding me right? She is pretty. She looks well!" I bite my lips while he scan my face.

"L-look, this is really me Andrea. I just used f-filter to look good and I tell you that I am not pretty in person!" He shook his head and I can't see in his eyes the disgust.

"You wasted my money because of this shit?! You are not even worth it! Disgusting!" He said and leave.

I look at everywhere when I saw that the girls who look at me earlier laughing at me. I look at my friend who pull me away to the crowd."I told you it was a bad idea!"

"I didn't know! I didn't k-know this will be his reaction!" I cried and cover my face with my two hands. She hug me.

"He is not worth it! A real man will love you, everything about you." She did her best to calm me but I won't.

"Why I am so u-ugly?!" Damn that filter! My boyfriend can't even recognize me in person!

"The filter helps you to look good in internet and you are really! You are not ugly we just lived here in judgmental society." I cry hard and her arms. I feel betrayed and pain. "Ssh.. It's okay, they are not worth it to be in your life and let them leave you. There's still a lot of people who appreciate you and I am one of them! Stop seeking someone's attention and love, love yourself first and be happy amd contented to what you have atleast you will know who is real and fake to you, who loves you or not. Be happy! Cheer up! You are pretty in your own way!

"Whatever I will do p-pretty faces always win!" I said while crying. She shook her head and caress my har.

"It depends on the person, calm down now sis and let them be. You are more than enough!" I hug her and thank her for calming me.

I won't blame filter for that maybe because the attention they give to me is plastic because if they will see me in person they will be dissapointed too like Nash feel.

Internet always brings other people dissapointment but internet will also help us to know and realize who is better to us, who loves us real.

© Skyler