

The red string of fate (Final)
"O-oh okay." She replied shyly as I ignored the others who were still looking at me pitifully.

'That-... She reminds me of an adorable shy fox.'

Although it seems like I hate everything, I have an extreme soft spot for animals...

And she just so happen to resemble one.

"Thanks." I couldn't help but smile at her shyness softly, the chattering instantly stopped as I looked up.

"What?" I scowled as they all had slightly red cheeks.

"That was... Cute." I turned towards the doorway to see Ace standing there with the same dazzled look as everyone else.

"Mn." They nodded in agreement as I frowned at their sudden cooperation with each other.

The way he said cute made me feel irked for some reason, "I'm leaving now... So remember to tell the teacher okay." I said glancing at the girl as she nodded earnestly.

My lips slightly twitched a little but I refrained myself from smiling.

That was close... Since she almost seemed like a loyal dog to me for a second.

Days after days went pass and Ace... Is still sitting with me for lunch.

"Honestly tell me the truth... Are you being threatened to sit with me?" I asked.

"No, why would you think that?" He asked, looking at me confusedly.

"You're suppose to hate me like the others." I scoffed haughtily as I flicked my hair back.

"Hate? Nobody hates you Rose." Ace clarified as he looked at me seriously.

"Did anyone tell you something or threaten you?" He suddenly asked.


'Maybe I think...'


The moment I went into the female bathroom and was out of sight by that clingy guy, some girls seized me up against the wall.

"So... I've heard you're hanging around Ace?" The typical mean girl asked.

"Hanging around? Oh I would love to hang that fool up." I replied excitedly.

'Such a great idea! Why didn't I think of it sooner.'

"W-wha?!" She exclaimed a little shocked at what I said when she turned to her lackeys and asked. "Is she mental?"

"Maybe?" "I don't know." They chorused awkwardly looking at each other, "Well if you don't need anything else I'm leaving." I said as I walked further into the bathroom.

"W-wait!" She exclaimed as I stopped. "Yes?" Anymore suggestions?" I asked.

"I want you to stay away from Ace!" She states, "Oh that... I've been trying to do that so it would be nice if you could help me out thanks." I replied as I walked towards the window and unlatched it.

"W-what are you doing? Come back!" She exclaimed trying to grab my clothes but it was too late, I opened the window and jumped down from it.

It was the second floor so I wasn't injured but as soon as I landed she peeked her head out the window, frantically looking for me.

The breeze blew her hair to the side as I saw her face under the glowing sunlight which enhanced her paleness under it.

"You're pretty, don't waste your time chasing boys who are not worth it." I gave her a piece of advice and left the scene quickly.

*End of memory... [She gained an admirer]*

"You don't sound to sure..." He said darkly, I glanced at him and flicked his forehead.

"Stupid~" I mocked with a smirk.

'How cute... Being concerned to his owne- I mean classmate...'

I turned around and for a split second, I saw a red string glistening brightly under the sunlight.

That red string...

Was attached to my finger.

I immediately froze and did a double look.

'No way... I must be seeing things. There's no way that an abomination like me could have one.'

Ace who was following behind me bumped into me as I fell down, before I could hit the floor he grabbed my hand and pulled me into him as I slammed into his body.

"Oomph." Was the only sound I made after our impact, "I-I..." Ace trailed off with a shocked yet excited look.

"What?" I asked annoyed yet a little curious at him for repeating that word endlessly under his breath.

"I'll tell you it okay... It's a secret. Only if you tell me yours." He said with a smirk as soon as he noticed my curiosity.

I went quiet as I thought about it.

'He's probably gonna mention that he doesn't have a string... But what got him so excited?'

"Alright." I nodded my head as the curiosity got to me, "Okay, pinky promise." He said childishly as he showed me his pinky.

"How childish..." I murmured under my breath as I did it, his large pinky enveloped my small one quickly as both of our thumbs connected to seal the 'deal'.

"If you break the promise you'll swallow a thousand needles." He added on, "And if you break yours, I'll torture you to death." I replied flatly staring into his eyes.

"Woah... I'm definitely never gonna break it for my whole life." He muttered as I smirked under my breath.

"Okay so..." He trailed off before looking around our surroundings, he leaned in closer to my ears and whispered.

"I don't have a red string..." He leaned back, observing my reaction as I pretended to look visibly startled, only my eyes widened from it.

"And... And I saw a red string connected to my hand for a moment." He cheered happily giving me a bright smile.

"Wow..." I trailed off, actually surprised at the information he gave.

'Saw a red string... Like me... Well I barely saw it. No way.'

"*Gasp* It's still here! But my string fades off so I don't actually know where my soulmate is." He gasped in glee.

"Wow... You sound like a fangirl who saw their greatest celebrity crush outside so you're whispering it to your friend, excitedly." I scoffed a little before he looked at me slightly upset.

"That's mean. You don't even know what I have to go through because of this!" He exclaimed which made me triggered.

"Don't know...?" I chuckled softly before I laughed out loud crazily, there were no students in the vicinity since it was getting quite late already and most have left.

"Oh I know how it feels alright! At least you still have a family who cares for you! Who supports you unconditionally!" I snapped as I began spilling out all the things I have kept inside of me all this time.

When I was kicked out to the first orphanage they questioned me so I said that they didn't love me because I don't see a red string.

How naive I was back then...

I ended up being treated the same over there and somehow barely manage to escape that orphanage.

I went to orphanage number 2 which is the one I currently live in, I never disclosed anything to anyone so I was pretty much a loner there.

I yelled at him so much till my throat went dry.

I hacked from the dryness and choked on my sobs as he stared at me in shocked and guiltily.

"Rose I'm-" He tried apologising and bring me into a hug but I pushed him away.

"Save it. I don't need your pity!" I state as I quickly wiped off all emotions that were on my face.

I dashed off, and ran out of the school with my sling bag. "ROSE!" I hear him exclaim as he ran after me.

He quickly tackled me onto the ground as I began struggling out of his grip, "Get off of me!" I exclaimed getting slightly emotional as I felt the tears from before coming back.

He ignored my struggles and gave me a hug, "I'm sorry for being a rude insensitive jerk to you... I just didn't think that anyone would be the same as me." He trailed off.

I eventually ceased struggling as I stared straight up into the sky, "Than why... Why do you still want to be friend with me. Just continue being your 'a' hole playboy self." I asked emotionlessly.

"It's because... Whenever I see you, I just... Want to be near you. I crave for you... You see... Rose, look at me." Ace whisper as his whisperings got more intense.

I flinched before my eyes slowly went to his, "Yes Rose... Look at me, I love you... So so so *so* very much. I don't think I can ever live without seeing your cute expression." He murmured as his face leaned in closer to me.

He than placed his head and buried it into my shoulder.

'What kind of mess did I dig myself into now...'

"Can you... Get off of me." I ask out.

"Sure..." He trailed off as he helped my up.

Averting his eyes guiltily away from me, "*Sigh* You bruised me... What are you gonna do about it." I asked, "W-what?" He stuttered not believing what he heard.

"I said you bruised me. What are you gonna do." I gritted out louder than I did previously.

"I-I'm so sorry it's just when I thought of you avoiding me I just panicked and ran." He stammered checking me everywhere for my injuries.

"Stop." I calmly said as he stopped, "You trying to be sly huh? Pretending to check for bruises just so you can touch me." I scoffed at him.

His eyes was confused for a moment but than it lit up.

'Wait he didn't do it on purpose... F**k.'

[A/N: Press 'f' in the chat man...]

"Nevermind I'm leaving." I said as I walked off.

"Wait I need to check closely!" He exclaimed as he chased after me.

I rolled my eyes at his shameless statement and ignored him, "I'll call the FBI if you keep this up." I threatened with my straight face.

"F**king pedos... Man... I knew... I just knew it would be him." I murmured under my breath.

"Rose... You're cute when you smile, can you smile for me?" Ace asked.

"Hm? Cute? I have a cute smile? Sorry those few words together don't exist in my vocabulary." I said.

"So you gonna pretend nothing happened?" Ace asked worriedly, "Do you want me to know it." I asked staring into his eyes.

"N-no... I just-" He said as I cut him off, "Yeah didn't expect for me to not care."

"I even brought preventive measures just in case." I hear him murmur under his breath, "What.Did.You.Say." I said murderously.

"Was that why you checked around the surroundings." I asked but he didn't respond whistling away innocently.

I smacked him at the back as he turned back to look at me.

"Wanna know why I didn't try murdering you?"

"Why?" He asked.

"Because... Maybe... Just maybe... I like you as well." I trailed off awkwardly.

"Really!?" He exclaimed excitedly as his eyes light up.

"B-but... My string." He trailed off sadly.

I looked at his finger and saw the string fading back into real life.

'Just where is it connected to so I can cut it off.' I grumbled in my thoughts.

"Wait... If I really like you... Than I' get rid of it, I have a special method." I said.

"Yes!" He cheered excitedly as a kid as he picked me up and swung me around.

"Wait stop, the string is fading back to life." I said as he stopped.

"You can see it?" He asked.

"Well of course I-" I tried to say but I froze.

'I can't see any other red string anymore...'

My eyes scanned through the random people and crowd but nothing, no red string floating about.

"Rose!" Ace shook me as I snapped back to reality, "... What?" I asked softly.

"Do you see the red string." He asked pointing towards his finger.

"No I do- No way... I-... I see it." I stuttered excitedly and it was... Connected to Ace's.

"W-we are..." I trailed off.

"Soulmates." He completed my sentence as he stared at me.

© Naruko