

United Hearts

The smile on my face is real,
It bears witness to how I feel...
In my heart, a joy that's surreal,
With each passing moment, it's ideal.
Never have I felt such bliss,
A happiness I cannot dismiss.

For in your presence, I find delight,
Everything seems so perfectly right.
Your love and warmth, like sunshine's embrace,
Imbues my soul with an eternal grace.

Through ups and downs, you remain my guide,
By my side, love's floods can't subside.
Your laughter flips the world's disguise,
Making life a beautiful surprise.

Together, we weave dreams like golden threads,
Painting a future where love never sheds.
Through life's storms, we will stand tall,
United hearts, ready to conquer all.

So as I smile, let it be known,
This joy in my heart, forever it's sown.
With you, my love, my emotions are real,
A love so pure, a love that can heal.