

The Draning spell - Chapter 2
Charli approached the dinner table. She feels as if her entire world was flipped upside down. But was she trusting people too easily? Just like she always does? She hadn't seen any other claims of that happening.

She sat down, this whole ordeal was confusing her. Charli just needed to calm down.

Charli decided to ask her dad. "Hey dad," She started the conversation.
"yes sweety?" He responded as he dished up dinner onto the three plates.
"Well..." Charli began, "I saw this post online..." Her dad raised an eyebrow as if to say 'really?' "And... It said that the magic ceremony is a scam."
Her dad sighed in exasperation. "Honey-"
"Dad! Listen to me!" Charli interupted desperately, she was stabing the meat, it smelled and looked delicous, Charli would shovel in one after the other.

"Sweety," Her Dad continued, "You shouldn't believe everything you see online."
"Okay..." Charli Mumbled. She knew that this was different. But... Her dad was very hard to convince once he has his mind set. She will research this more after dinner.
#Novel #RiceLover #magic #Chapter2 #discussion
Go to my profile for future chapters
© Amelia Newberry