

The Quest For The Elemental Dragon Chapter 1
Long ago in a world ravaged by war there stood 4 kingdoms known as the 4 great borders. These kingdoms went by the names of Trenton to the North, Valadora to the East, Windfall to the the South, and Ovascott to the West. The kingdoms are made up of smaller cities inside. The kindoms are ruled by lords. Lords are chosen threw bloodline, or families with royal bloodlines can challenge a lord to a duel to the death, and the winner gets the title lord.
Cities are ruled over by generals, now there is many different ways to get the title general, but the main way is threw combat. Most generals are stone cold killers who could care less about their citizens, and only live in the name of war. Lords aren't much different, but they're cowards who only stand on the sidelines and shout orders.
Even though the world was surrounded in fear, the citizens with the highest amount of money, and ties to the royal family had little to fear because they were kept in the most well protected parts of the kindom. The soldiers who held many different fighting techniques from ninjitsu, to magic, or even the ability to turn into animals were known as the death bringers.
If you were born in this world chances are you would train to be a soldier, and fight for the name of your kindom. All though the world was at odds with each other evrybody feared one thing, the prophecy that would destroy this world. When the eternal dragon of death would open its eyes, spread its wings and spread pleague and disaster threw the world until only death remained.
It states in the prophecy that 4 men from the 4 different kindoms would unite, and find the elemental dragon of destiny, and defeat the eternal dragon to bring a forever lasting piece upon the world. These 4 men are known as the Guardians Of Creation, and 4 people who couldn't be different are gonna find out you can't run away from destiny.

Chapter 2 coming soon
© kaneki