

pet's crossing of rainbow bridge
i lost my dog Tom and in that process of pain, I asked my father to never bring a dog. but my dad said he as already found a puppy , this made me angry . but when he brought him home ,i eventually fell in love with him ,he was just like a tiny furr ball, he was called 'puttu' by everyone . we loved him like a family member.It took time for him to get liked by his other siblings but he did manage to get together. As time passed we became best friends. I went out for studies but whenever I returned home I was welcomed with all the kisses and hugs . no one understood me just as he did . I remember an incident ,when my mother scolded me and I was sobbing sitting on the stairs,he came and licked my tears and kept his tiny head on my shoulders ,which felt like he said" it's ok don't cry", whenever I felt sad I went near him and sat for hours with him . One day I was with my friend's singing in a cafe concert and at least it was 9.00 PM at night,as I knew my pg would be closed I went to my friends place to stay.At midnight I got up and was so uncomfortable as if something was taken away from me ,I wanted to cry at that time but couldn't, I saw my phone and it was 3.30 AM in the morning . later that day I suddenly decided that I wanted to go home,I don't know why ,but my gut instincts told me 'you have to go' ,then I reached my place ,my father picked me up from the bus stand , then he told me to get down little early as our road was not that good. also from bus stand to home my father never spoke a word which would sound serious. But as I came home running, I was happy that I would meet my best friend after long time. I forgot to say that I have a habit that after reaching my home i directly go to my pets and talk to them and then greet others . so ofcourse i thought of doing the same but suddenly my father stoped me and told ,"don't be sad I'm going to tell you something ",my feets pulled me back, my father told me we lost puttu this morning!tears droped but I controlled myself because more than me my mom was sad, i convinced her saying that he is in a good place and may be throwing tantrums on god, to make the moment light. I asked the time of death and it was exactly the time I woke up 3.30AM, I was shocked cause this made me feel ,my baby wanted me to be there while he left the place with god . I wrote the story today because , I saw his sibling buzo my another pet ,
playing with his own shadow as if remembering his little brother ,all alone. It did break my heart , so I put it in a sheet of paper .
© roshi