

Have you ever stopped to think about what would actually happen if an extraterrestrial race openly revealed themselves to us? we are so unaware and unenlightened as a race of beings, that we would automatically become violent and terrified of them. We lack the enlightenment in many and most cases as human beings to see that we are family to them. And, that they are just like us only more technologically advanced. And, that many extraterrestrials are much more highly evolved and enlightened beings. Not only this, but they being enlightened beings are aware of the Spirit of God and the one we call Jesus, and what we call Angels or Spirit Guides and in fact work directly with the Kingdom of God. Yes, there are dangerous and terrifying extraterrestrials that are unaware. But they, in their unawareness, are divided and weak compared to the enlightened beings of the universe.

The enlightened beings of the Universe are aware of us, and many other worlds. There is a great White Order of Light and Truth lead by the Spirit we call Jesus, populated by beings and souls who follow the truth and will of God. They support planets like ours both through physical and non-physical reality. When it is the will of God to do so they step in more powerful ways. And in our case, as they are supporting us now. They know that the time isn't right for them to openly step into view. But they are still with us where few humans are looking. The higher dimensional realm that we can and will tap into when we ourselves step into enlightened vibrations. We are below them vibrationally but the Earth is being shifted into a higher vibrational planet as we speak. And because of this many souls who can't or are unable to shift into a higher vibration will be leaving Earth for other worlds that are lower vibration.

This is what leads to prophesy pertaining to rapture, although we won't be physically be taken away. We will have to reincarnate onto other worlds through death and rebirth. Many extraterrestrials are waiting for us to raise into a high enough vibration as a collective race of beings to be able to cope with meeting them without instantly become afraid and violent. The time is coming and they are already speaking to many humans who are enlightened enough to communicate with them through the Kingdom of God. Through our hearts. This is only the beginning. Over the next several hundred years the Earth will continue to shift into a peaceful and enlightened world where only higher vibrational souls who are advanced enough to be here will be allowed to incarnate. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will open.

As dictated by our Spirit Guides and my Higher Self

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© Zakary Reif - JustasK -

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash