

The Kind Of Flames You Can't Put Out
Read between the lines
and you will find a host to a party
unlike any other. It was that line
that had more then a little bit going
down. And so times it tried your
patients. As a patient which that line
went crazy an told the people that you
we're not really a patient while they was
in your D Ms and thought some with
problems could help you with yours but
no. That was not the case. That thin line
was hidding around your area. Trying to get at you by hidding in other patients
homes saying that you better not speak
to the patients. When we know that they was yelling from his house. So was there
patient crazy yes cause that lady doing that was the one that you wanted to jump out at and kick her leg being this way and say get back to your house across the street lady why does that old man got to get on the corner for you
because he live at the corner house.
If I ever see you I will get you. Oh and one day I will ask that man can I see
who in your house with you and if I see
you bad lady it's on like a match to a grease 🔥. So get to stepping crazy lady
my flame of pain is on all who draw
that thin line of so many flames ok
© lashes sullivan