

Back in the day it was only about our relatives and neighbours that used to affect us regarding financial goals and lifestyle, now it's the entire world that is influencing our consumer mindset causing social conditioning for the "Be more & Get more" lifestyle. Many are going into debts to keep up with the pressure of a fancy lifestyle that only compounds the already existing negativity.

Social media has heightened the pressure of wearing new, getting expensive education, extravagant travel, overrated homes, and the list goes on. Objectively it's ridiculous to not wear repeated clothes and have perpetual home upgrades in the urge to constantly IMPRESS our peers.

The delta between expectations and reality leads to depression. There is also an overlap between compulsive buying and addiction. This forces us to maintain an image that is not true to our financial reality and is a dangerous consumer habit of all.

Social media and society as a whole must insist on creating a social circle that is adaptable to our financial lifestyle. A society that is fundamentally more empathetic to our financial needs and limitations.

We are susceptible to buyer's high and later buyer's remorse, unless we fix the algorithm of clearing our logs, regulating our social media consumption, practice mindfulness, minimalism and live with intention.

Going into debt fuels unhealthy lifestyle leading to credits and debts month to month causing downward spiral affecting our mental health.

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