

...continued from 5

I said Margaret is back...for good but I cannot afford to lose Angelica who has been there for me through thick and thin. I cannot afford to lose or even hurt her, and I cannot afford to lose my son.


How possible is it that I have a son and I'm just getting to know about it? I guess you might have been wondering who Margaret is. Remember I told you I lost my job as a gardener because I dropped a mower and got it damaged? Yea, it might not have been just the mower. I guess my former boss found out that there was something fishy between me and that comely creature of his daughter. It wasn't entirely my fault...

I was busy with my duties one day when I heard a loud scream from the back of the inner court - it was from Margaret. She feigned a slip and fall accident while leaving the bathtub after having a warm water shower. Just for you to know, I wasn't permitted to get close to her quarters but in that situation, I had to use my discretion...she needed help and I was determined to offer exactly that. When I arrived, she demanded that I assist her get to the bed which I obliged. Afterwards, I suggested she put a call across to her personal physician...guess what? She emphatically told me it's just a fracture and that I could be the physician.

Long story short, Margaret pointed to where an essential ointment was kept; she then demanded I give her a soft massage on the affected area...and that was how it graduated to something else and we made up that night. As a man with conscience, I regretted my actions right after our canal dealing and vowed never to repeat such act, but Margaret kept coming back for more. She always told me she didn't care about my nobody status...she only cared about the fact that I was intelligent, strong, and dextrous.

However Margaret's father got to suspect my subtle extra-chore dealings with his daughter remains a mystery to me. From my experience with my former oga's daughter, I discovered that caged children of wealthy people's only prayer is just a very little opportunity to break free no matter how it's presented. When they get it, they explore it to the fullest, damning whatever consequence. So you see, the man didn't just fire me for the mower, he did it to save his daughter from the grasp of a nobody.

Back to the present...

I am sitting at the balcony with Angelica and my phone rings. It's a strange number and the caller duly informs me to come pick up my appointment letter from the last place I appeared for an interview. I immediately become enraptured even as I break the good news to the lady beside me. Finally, I am going to get off the ghetto shackles for real and take a new life. Night fell but I couldn't sleep...the excitement was just too telling on me as I couldn't wait till daybreak.

Morning is finally here and I'm already headed towards the establishment where I am supposed to get my appointment letter. As I get there, something shocking happens. The CEO of the company wasn't at the conference Hall the day I was interviewed. He was duly briefed how a particular young man performed incredibly awesome during the interview... He was so fascinated that he demanded that I meet with him whenever I come for my letter.

Meanwhile before now, Margaret had threatened to go to war with Angelica if she doesn't back off from me. She even told me that I will need her assistance if I hope to secure the employment. I never quite understood what she meant.

When Margaret saw me at the pub where I went to get some refreshment after the interview, she told me her dad would love to see me.

On getting to the secretary's desk, I am informed that the CEO would love to have a conversation with me before handing the letter of engagement to me. Well, I oblige, and the real shock came. Mr Johnson Egung is the CEO of the company and he is the father of Margaret Egung. He is the same man who fired me for the mower... Johnson Logistics Corporation is just one of his numerous establishments.

Right before him, I became stone cold. I am standing in front of a man that knew I was having an affair with his only daughter under his nose but chose to fire me for carelessness, and later realized I got her pregnant (and ra away)...If you were me, what would you do? I have a choice before me... Let go of Angelica for Margaret in order to secure the job, or choose to stay jobless in order to make Angelica happy?

My name is Ntemuse, a victim of nature.
How long do you think this my twist will continue, and what do you think will happen to me next?

Let's see it in the comment section.
© Joshua Books