

The Monster
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.

I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.

Bam! Goes a door far down the hallway, the sound echoing eerily in the silence.

I gulped, feeling the wall with my hands — the light had long since died on its own.

There was no way out — going back would be suicide, and in front of me, was just a wall.

The sounds of footsteps came closer. My breath became heavy, I began hyperventilating. In desperation and fear, I crouched, plastering myself to the wall. My hands flew to my face to cover them up — the monster couldn't see your face. If they do, they'll eat you — bring you to your ward to put all the chemicals in you and make you numb — so they can eat you.





"Oh Mr. Kennedy."

I looked up. It was the Nurse, the one that always came to my room whenever I screamed; whenever the monster appear.

"No, miss Nurse, you must get out of here. There's a monster following us, it'll eat us, it'll eat you, please go.." In tears, I clutched at the hem of her dress, sobbing like a child. Please, I begged to the all hearing monster. Not her, not anyone else. Don't eat her like how you ate my family.

With a gentle smile, she helped me up.

"The monster's gone, Mr. Kennedy. I can assure you that." She said, and I had no choice but to believe her— she's the strongest person I've ever met.

The nurse sighed as she pulled the cowering man back to his ward. On the wall behind him, high up, was a sign— on which was written the words 'Psych Ward'.

© starchaser