

Take a deep breath while I tell you a tale, of love and romance, of anger and hate, of all who enter through the golden wooden gate.
It is a tale of two birds, pink in complexion, as tall as the mangroves, as fair as the peacock.
The peace they felt when they were in love, the earth heard of it, the heavens, they bowed.
Beauty radiance was their aura and the fragrance of it spread all around.
The others were happy and the couple, elated, unknown to them, a hateful eye watchet.
He planned a plot to rot their love and all day long the thought and thought.
He found a way to remove the male and get rid of the love he gave .
He poisoned his food, that which he ate and of course he wasn't suspicious, his brother, he said.
Though he was warned of the jealousy and hate, but the love for his brother blinded his gaze.
A fall to the ground and unconscious he was, starring at his brother, someone he loved.
And with his dying breath he placed a curse, and his brother, now barren, and incapable of love.
Such is the fate of all who hate, the jealousy that arouses in love, and with their act of acrimony, would their vengeance be, to walk the earth, alive but never living.