

Man; The Murderer of Love
Love oh Love... how the word used to give goosebumps, flashes of blissful imagination and a spark to the eye for it's victims...

A lovely whole name indeed, the mysterious individual that is everyone's bestfriend; Love.

So caught up in life then one day I heard my beloved friend was missing;
for my whole life was structured, founded and architectured by her magnificence; I couldn't help but put all aside to what could have seemed a "witch-hunt" to find Love.

No; love was not a man or some mythical sent partner...
Love was the Soul of the Universe, and she was out there in the unknown of this dark cold world ,
where she was not only unnoticed but an alien.

Not a corner of the Earth I didn't run a search,
but your scent was left everywhere you'd gone;
for my dear Love your Aura is the pure Essence of the Universe.

and the Universe's name was one;
Out in this hunt unaware of where one would find you,
I heard your screams from a place rather put of reach to me...
The chambers of Hades.

They call it No man's land,
but that's where only mankind resides (just male species).

Through the spectacle; I saw you mourning in the darkness.
a soul so pure you shined so bright in that darkness as if you were the whole Moon.
just to testify that indeed Love is the light of the world.

My heart to pieces seeing my dear Love hovered by loveless men , quite the infestation of the moment....

It was true; she was not lost.
but wandering...
trying to find the beauty in what was once a beautiful world with Love;
but she had left.
and darkness ate up the land leaving leftovers that are men and dogs to haunt and end one another as is their fate for never having had Love show them how to live.

Shadows of ruthlessness they had become.
and this wanderer was to become prey.

"Love!!" I yelled with sorrow and anticipation that she might recognize her name from the angle of light.
With the unanimous echoes that followed at the power of her name....
she disappeared.

It was true; Man had murdered our beloved Love.
never taken the time to understand it, let it in and let it take charge.

all she needed was a shelter, care, and a way for life.
but all she got was hurt, exploitation and cruelty beyond words.
Man hated love with all his heart; and to Love it was very easy to see.
For her eyes told no lies.
and she knew us all without knowing her.

They wanted all that was about Love,
but no one wanted to give love what she deserved.

Gone but never Forgotten.
Today we live in a World where Love once lived.

and I will keep Telling the Stories of Love that we might all remember;
She is no longer here.
Just as was the wish.

And cold , harsh is what the ground has become.
For she has elevated to a higher ground where Love belongs.

Only lies of Love will be told in her name in vain for manipulation purposes, etc.

but Love; was murdered a very long time ago.
and I am the first hand witness that saw it all happen and have never been able to get my life back for I had lost everything.
© Jupiter Zeus