

bestfriend 🖤
Parimala is a 7th class student.She is friendly natured girl.She studied in her native from her childhood. Her father stricts about talking with boys.He said don't talk to boys.But she can't hear that words.She talks to all boys in her class like brothers but there is a special person in her class. Lal,he is not brother.He is her bestfriend.She gives a name from 9th class.A relation name called babai.When a girl gives special name to someone means they are very special than anyone.He always talk girls with respect.But we are not giving respect because he is babai.In English babai means father's small brother.In 10th she called him and talk sometime.After somedays he called her with his mom's number.She was eating with her parents.She didn't guessed his voice.so she given her mobile to her father.He shouted both of them and said not talk to him.But she didn't listen. After Holidays she goes to school and talk to him.He takes it lite means not serious.He understood her family problems.After 10 th class they were not in contact.But after intermediate,when she joined in btech and he joined in degree college.They seen eachother in Instagram.He asked her number.she plays with him not giving her number.Atlast she given her number.They talked everything from that day.There is no secrets in their life.They shared all good or bad is not a matter.Every time when one of them were sad about their relationships but other one inspire the sad one and make them better to feel.The moral is all has friends and bestfriends.But who can understand friends problems,happiness,sad like everything is the real bestfriends.They are gift of God.