

Plane crashs in the neighborhood
Two planes have crashed in my neighborhood, in my life time. The first time was when a single engine plane crash into a manufacturer office building, across the expressway near the railroad tracks. the office building was used by Fruehauf trailer company.. The plane was hanging out of a window frame, with the engine and propeller inside the building. the remaining part of the plane outside the window frame. This was a unbelievable site to see, something straight out of the movies, everyone came out to see this, I was a kid when this happened. The second time I was a adult in my mid 50 , I was outside barbecuing on the side lot, well I seen a plane with a banner was flying low around the neighborhood . I was wondering why the plane was so low to the ground. Later on that evening I was watching the local news to find out the plane had chase ons Shoemaker near the apartment building. The pilot had ran out of gas , I guess he or she was not clear to land and had to circle the airport. Where my house is you can see the planes coming in for landing flying low. Flying high after they take off from the airport. The plane landed on Shoemaker, unfortunately it hit some power lines and a person would lose their life from coming in contact with the power lines. The time frame is 50 year living in the neighborhood.