

My Ancestors Had My Back
Two years ago I thought I had met the most wonderful man but I was blind and the people that I thought that were my friends weren't my friends at all.

I went out to help that worthless titty sucking mama's girl and she turned against me as soon as she brought some drug addict friends in the place we lived and they started to control her and she suffers from a dependent personality disorder calling on her father and mother for everything.

Jeff came up and he wouldn't listen to me about no illegal drugs, no smoking, and no alcohol and he was terrible with his finances squandering it away on beer and drugs.

Despite my pleas he continued down the path of hades and destruction.

I realized it was a toxic relationship and I didn't want any part of illegal drugs, alcohol, or smoking and I walked out so I could save money.

Oh! His sister gave him bus fare back to Huntsville Alabama despite of Cornovirus that was spreading.

She didn't meet him at the Greyhound bus terminal in Huntsville Alabama.

Jeff started trouble with Jerri and Jerri took out a restraining order on him and then he pisses off George.

Jeff drinks 1,200 of French Champagne that George was saving for his daughter's wedding.

Jeff wants to live under a bridge and squander away his money and be homeless.

I just can't understand someone like him.

I will soon be moving into my own apartment in Chicago Illinois and I will heal.

My late dad brought him back to me once but he didn't bring him back a second time and I questioned it but I now understand.

Jeff is uneducated and he has antisocial personality disorder and his family never got him the professional help that he needed.

Jeff didn't like me being a writer. I have been writing since I was 13 years old.

Never doubtt your ancestors and never stop writing as you were born a writer.

© ladywicca65