

love is love
There is someone destined for us no matter how we avoid it. Write a story on how destiny controls people's lives.
© All Rights Reserveh by Shadya Yusuphu this story is for love is love no matter what this story for all people who falling in love thank I hope all you can love my History this story is start by they two boys and one boy is merry to rich girl and that rich girl is so jealous if another side there a girl how live a normal life and her grandma is work at shopstaf and Becker and and one gay in of that shop and see that girl that is call one seigh of love the boy fall of that girl but that girl does not know meaning of love and that boy meet her and tell you hello girl srespond hello how can help you and boy forgot say you a girl said what do you mean boy say nothing i just want to buy something and girl say what you want to buy i can help you to find it boy say okay in another side that boy is mary of rich girl is lonely and forgot about her his wife is Scord her everyday and tell her you just sit down and eat my food and use my moneyis something about to make me feel like uncomfortable you just a joke and man responsible everyday is Scord me like a kid you don't think what I can fill I'm you husband wife response i useless husband if i return the time i will never marry lose husband like you husband respond if you don't want to marry me why you. merry me her because our parents say that you rich right wife respond is now a business and wife slabber her husband and said don't talk if i'm talk you must respect me cause im your boss i give you money and anything you want so be like that and stop force me to make this bad of another side that you go to that boy and show a round about that stuff i want to buy and girl this. response how old you boy respond i'm 20 girls point you twenty you so young do you live with you parent boyrespond yes but alive with my mother girl respond you you are mother how about your father respond my father's die four years ago girls born that's so sad boy respond no problem i'm ok now respond do you have a boyfriend a boyfriend no right now i don't console about boyfriend about my grandma at all
boyrespond with your grandma girls. re sponde yes with my grandma can i ask you something do you have any sister o'bro boy response yes i have a brother but my bother is marriage to rich girl girl respond okey i think we can be a friend boy respond no problem i can be your best friend everyone do you want boyrespond can i see your grandma girls spoon you can't see let's go to another side are rich girl tell her husband i will go to Landon in a year i'm not back if you want to divorce i can give you divorce husband respond iwant my devorce right now girl respond ok I can give but one condition boy respond condition what condition girl respond in five mouth I don't want you to have another girl boy respond what that is hard condition no girl that is you problem I don't care is you not agree with my condition I will never give you divorce husband respond ok I agree wife respond ok boy respond I'm off wife respond ok in one month I will give you divorce don't worries husband husband respond disgusting wife respond you to bye my divorce husband mmh husband respond you in seven days husband is go to shop is the some shop meet that girl that girl respond how can I help you husband respond nothing I have a deal I will pays you to be my made if you agree girl respond haaaa pays me let ask grandma first husband respond ok bye the way my name is James girl respond Mr James James respond what you name girl respond ooh angel James respond that is pretty name angel respond thank James respond see you angel respond thank in nice to meet you nice to meet you too a few days leter anger stars work to Mr James that another boy is look at angel that boy name is Junia