

Whisper from my soul
Ep1.First day of High school
[Bird singing] The first day of high school, for Hoshimi Tsubaki.
[Mom] " Hoshimi, wake up! Prepare yourself, child! "
[Hoshimi] " Yes. "
She leans out from her bed and started yawning. She leaves for the bathroom and make herself up.
[Kyiyo (Hoshimi's twin sisters)] " Sis! First day, eh? I'm super nervous. "
[Hoshimi] " Hmm-mm…no need to. C'mon our parents are waiting! "
[Kyiyo] " Okay. "
They both get ready and walk out from the room heading to the kitchen.
[Kyiyo/Hoshimi] " Good morning! "
[Mom/Dad] " Morning! Breakfast's ready. "
Mrs. Tsubaki prepares breakfast, and they're all ready to eat.
[Dad] " Are you nervous for the first day at high school? (Mumbling), Umm, maybe don't need to!
[Kyiyo/Hoshimi] " (Laughing), we will make ourselves up, dad! Don't worry. "
[Mrs. Tsubaki] " Today we ain't coming home early as usual. We'll be back at half past four in the morning! So make sure you two lock the house up, if you want to hangout! "
[Kyiyo/Hoshimi] " Yes. "
Then they all go silence to finish their meal. After their meal, the girls go to take their backpacks and went to the door.
[Kyiyo/Hoshimi] " We're leaving! "
[Mom/Dad] " Yes, okay! "
The sisters keep on walking quietly toward the school. After sometimes, they're at school. They walk in when suddenly a girl runs toward them.
[Girl] " Good morning! You guys must be Hoshimi and Kyiyo, the twin sisters? "
[Hoshimi] " Yes, we are. May I know you? "
[Girl] " I'm Kukiko Hotaru, but call me Koko. I'll show you our class. "
[Kyiyo] " Are you in the same class with us? "
[Koko] " Sure, I was the one who take responsibility on showing the new students their classes. "
[Hoshimi] " You're the student here, are you? "
[Koko] " Yes, I am! "
The three of them ask each other quite sometimes, when finally they come to the right class *FuchuB01*.
[Koko] " These are your desks. "
[Kyiyo/Hoshimi] " Oh, thanks. "
[Kyiyo] " What should we do first here? "
[Koko] " Maybe, I'll introduce you two to others. I think you better meet Akira, first. "
(Students chatting)
[Koko] " Akira, this is our new classmates. Hiroshi and Kyiyo Tsubaki. "
[Akira] " Good morning! Nice to meet you, I'm Akira Kazue. "
[Kyiyo/Hoshimi] " Good morning! Nice to meet you, too. "
[Koko] " They're twin, but it easy to recognise them. (Giggling) "
[Akira] " Koko, let's introduce them to others before the class starts. "
[Koko] " Okay. "
Koko and Akira lead the sisters to get to know others well.
(School bell rings)
The students go back to their own desks. Mr. Yoshiro comes in with the students name list in his hands. He starts to call the students name one by one. After calling them:
[Mr. Yoshiro] " Good morning, everyone! It's very pleasant to meet you. I'm Yoshiro Yamazaki, the new teacher that just apply in. But please call me Shiro. "
[Students] " Good morning, Mr. Shiro. "
They're all become quiet until the school bell rings (times for break). Hoshimi and Kyiyo hangout with Koko and Akira. They always do things together. But Kyiyo has another friends, Misaki and Misuko(Mai). Hoshimi always with Koko and Akira.
Late in the afternoon, the school is finish. Hoshimi and Kyiyo say goodbye to Akira and Koko. Then they leave for homes.
On their way, Hoshimi asks her sister:
[Hoshimi] " Sis! Are you into guys? "
[Kyiyo] " Hmm, sort of. Why? "
[Hoshimi] " Well as I spy on...do you know Jiro Hiroto? "
[Kyiyo] " Heh? Of course, our classmate. But we never talk to each other. "
[Hoshimi] " (Laughing), he told Akira that he really likes you. "
[Kyiyo] " What? ( Giggling) "
They turn home quietly, talking and laughing. They suddenly stop infront of their home.
[Kyiyo] " Where's the key? Gimme! "
[Hoshimi] " Here! "
They unlock the door, and go straight to their bedrooms. They go to the bathrooms, then change their school uniforms into night suits. Hoshimi goes to her bedroom before Kyiyo, when her phone buzz. She turns it on and it was a message from Koko.
[Koko] " Hi! "
[Hoshimi] " Hi, what's up? "
[Koko] " Wanna tell you about something. "
[Hoshimi] " Is it about Jiro and Kyiyo? "
[Koko] " Maybe. "
[Hoshimi] " About what? "
[Koko] " Let's meet tomorrow, at my house. Can you hangout? "
[Hoshimi] " Only us? "
[Koko] " Akira, too. "
[Hoshimi] " Okay, bye see you. "
[Koko] " (Like sticker) "
(Door opens)
Kyiyo walks in while drying her hair.
[Hoshimi] " Kyiyo! Tomorrow are you hanging out with someone? "
[Kyiyo] " Sure! What's the matter? "
[Hoshimi] " You know tomorrow evening, I'm going over to Koko's home. "
[Kyiyo] " Will you be okay without me? "
[Hoshimi] " Umm, quite of. I will be okay. "
[Kyiyo] " Tomorrow evening, I'm not at home, too. "
[Hoshimi] " Where will you be? "
[Kyiyo] " I'm going to Misaki's home, tomorrow evening! "
[Hoshimi] " Misaki? Is she....
(Kyiyo interrupts Hoshimi's sentences)
[Kyiyo] " It's my friend. You don't know her that we'll, though. "
[Hoshimi] " Oh yeah, sort of. Anyway, let's prepare dinner, shall we? "
[Kyiyo] " Okay! "
They walk into the kitchen, and help themselves with their meals. After that, they help each other and wash the dining table.
At 10pm the girls go straight to bed.
[Kyiyo] " Good night, Hoshi! "
[Hoshimi] " Good night to you, too, Kyiyo. "
(Sleeping gaze)
(Quiet night)
{Will be continue...}