

Serial Killer Stories Part 1
There was a tall big men , handsome a good looking , he was working in petrol station part time he work at night as a lorry driver sending thing at night , he had no family , his family died , when he was 6 years old he stay in orphanage house, he was bullied in school a lot . when he was 17 years old he had a friend
He like his best friend a lot, he was one can understand him a lot ,
Once they went to collage they life had change a lot , he contact his best friend he avoid his call he message his best friend still he keep avoiding ,
So he went to see his best friend , he hide and call him and message him his friend ignore it and cut his call he saw his best friend did this to him , he went to talk his best friend, his best friend was with another group of friend so he went to talk with him time , his best friend talk rude at him he was hurt his best friend and his others of friend treat him badly
But he never care about did he still want his best friend, he keep going to find his best friend and talk to him his best friend was so irritated , so his best friend plan to insult him more
his best friend invite him to his party
so he went to his party that has invite him , their was having enjoy drinking beer dancing all so his best friend and his friend plan to insult him ,
Then their went near him ask him to drink more and more he was totally in drunk so his best friend and his friend all beat him until he bleeding blood
He was in pain, he could see his best friend and his friend hurting him ,