

I come back
it's a crisp, cold
evening and I am
having tea in small
glass cups and there's
a cigarette in my hand
with the best of my
friends living the
best of my few best

and it's within this
very instant, my very
conscience drifts off
to a faraway place.
there's that baarishein song by anuv jain
playing in the background
and although I know I am
smiling, I am not there.
I am not here, sitting
in this stall.

I am somewhere else,
perhaps, a maze.
I am somewhere else.
anywhere but here.

I will drift off to
my numb when all else
is alive,
I will drift off to
somewhere else
anywhere, but here.

but I come back.
I come back,
I smile back,
I talk back
and I take the next sip;
the next drag.