

Why this happens??
When you have so many people around, to talk, to share things, to fight, to express.
But still you wait for that person.
That one person who just ignore you, who just don't want you, for whom you are just another person, another simp🤷🏽‍♂️.
But still when they text you, you leave everything behind and rply to them, no matter you got ignored for 2 days or 3 days.
You still help them despite knowing the fact that they will just use you.
why? sometimes you help someone and still don't tell them becoz that's not what real friend do.
Why? Just why?
When you act like you are okkay and try to be happy still some people don't like it.
Why people stay for the time they want to stay.
Why we just act to be something or someone which we are not.
Why people give advice when you want them to just listen.
Maybe, that's why my pen, paper, my words are my best friends, they help me to express my self, they don't judge me.

© Demonn