

Fair Tale
seriously , i don't really believe in Fairy tales but fair tales. Those that are more real than happily ever after stories sold for sales. stories that teach us that before you pass, you get to fail...just like i did once upon a little while...

I failed to maintain my emotional stability.I let my emotions take control over an apathetic situation, I couldn't be any more pathetic! There were moments when I should've used my brain to think but "should've" is always the last to win the race ,right?...should've is just a child conceived by regret.

In this case i regret why i ran to catch what was not even being thrown at me. Jointy threw his Feelings down the drain prolly because he didint want them to get caught up in the middle of some misapprehension but iregardlessly i ran all the way to catch them. yeah thats right, i got the wrong signal for the very first time in the longest time and only the blame is completely mine to take,not the pothead Jointy.I mean i think i preposteriosly mistakened him for my very own phosphorescent , one that would be present from the darkest till dawn and never let me down. I opened my eyes and there was Jointy, a passersby passing by.I walked up to Him like he finna meet me halfway but at the end of the day he was gone. I tried to put my hand out but i couldnt reach him.

Devastated. I found it so unbelievable so i tried to understand how someone so unreachable could still remain to be so unforgatable to my brain. Even through the pain i still consider him remarkable, and so when it gets darker i roll my reefer, hoping he'll bring his lighter.

© Mj. Madiba