

Trails and Tribulations #part-2
Aishu, a generous person thought that every living is kind hearted as she felt that wormth during the accidents she met with around the age of 12, One among which she had just a hand fracture and the other is a major one in which she just split out from the mouth of death,where she was saved and being helped by strangers. But her instinct was proved wrong to her at the age of 15, The incident that changed her was that she was framed by her classmates. her friends created rumours that aishu is having an affair with the boy living by the side of her school named madhu.They not only blackmarked her character by spreading these rumours through out the school but also consulted madhu and informed him that, aishu is madly in love with him. Since then madhu also started to follow her and disturb her, Even her bestFriends betrayed her in this issue and completely broke her heart. By this issue she met some good friends also who supported her mentally to come over this.But this situation became serious and changed her life,character and she became an introvert. Later her intermediate education was started with a new college and environment. She found her new friend, A squirell and named it as pup, she found it as a day baby and took care of it, plays with it and treats it as her family even the squirell treats her as its best friend and always wants to be with her and plays with her. She completely forgets her pain and floats in joy with pup. But this time she had never imagined to face three situations at a time, This bundle of Strom's made her completely silent and sceptical person.This time she even became a distrustful person to her own beloved family....
What are those incidents!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What happened to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets see in the next part😜
© Junnu