

when woman stands for woman!!
It was the last exam of the semester, and my friends and I were in high spirits. Sonam, Akarshika, Aksha, and I had spent the afternoon taking photos and having fun, celebrating the end of our stressful study period. As time flew by, Sonam and Akarshika realized they were getting late and decided to leave by auto rickshaw. Aksha and I, who always waited for them to get an auto before heading off on our scooty, bid them goodbye.As they left, Aksha and I walked hand in hand towards our scooty, singing softly to each other. It was a beautiful moment, one of those rare, carefree days.Suddenly, our serene walk was shattered by a chaotic scene. A man and his wife, who were riding a bike in a reckless zig-zag manner, came hurtling from behind us. They lost control and crashed into a parked car. The collision was horrifying and happened right in front of us. The car driver, who had been innocently sitting in his vehicle, was in no way at fault.The woman was injured badly; her sari was soaked in blood. But her husband, instead of helping her, started shouting at the car driver. To make matters worse, some bystanders began recording the incident on their phones, and soon a crowd had gathered, unjustly blaming the car driver. Aksha and I were stunned, trying to comprehend the chaotic scene.After a few minutes of confusion, we snapped into action. Seeing the woman's condition, I began searching for an auto to take her to the hospital while Aksha tried to calm the crowd and explain what had really happened. The college security guard arrived to help control the situation.Finding an auto was not easy. Many drivers refused to take us because of the blood, but we finally found one willing to help for extra payment. The injured woman's husband continued to argue, showing no concern for his wife's condition. Aksha and I carefully placed the woman in the auto and rushed her to the hospital.At the hospital, the doctor informed us that she had a fracture and needed an X-ray. Her husband arrived and shockingly refused the necessary medical procedures. The woman, now crying uncontrollably, seemed to reveal a deeper pain, hinting at troubles in her home.Our families began calling us, worried because we were so late. When we finally returned home, we were scolded for our disheveled and blood-stained appearance. However, upon hearing our story, our parents felt proud of us for helping someone in need. Despite this, the woman's sorrowful face haunted me all night.The next day, Aksha and I decided to visit her in the hospital. To our dismay, we discovered that the X-ray still hadn't been done due to her husband's refusal. Sensing her ongoing suffering, I gently asked her if she was facing any form of domestic violence. She looked at us with teary eyes, and though she didn't say anything, it was as if she silently confirmed our suspicions.
Back in class, we shared the story with Sonam and Akarshika. They were shocked and immediately agreed that we needed to help her. We decided to contact her secretly, ensuring her husband wouldn’t find out.We returned to the hospital the next day, but the woman and her husband were gone. Disheartened, we asked the doctor if he had any information about them. He shared that he had noticed the same disturbing behavior from the husband and had registered two phone numbers during their visit. Hoping one might be hers, we called both numbers. Unfortunately, both belonged to men.
The doctor, sensing our determination, decided to help. He called one of the men, insisting they return to the hospital to complete necessary paperwork. The man on the other end of the line reacted angrily, scolding the doctor and claiming there was no need for further registration.Feeling frustrated but not defeated, we regrouped and brainstormed other ways to help. We decided to keep visiting the hospital, hoping to catch the woman during a follow-up visit. We also left our contact information with the doctor, asking him to pass it along to the woman if she returned.Days went by, and just as we were beginning to lose hope, we received a call from the doctor. The woman had come back alone, and he had given her our details. We rushed to the hospital and found her waiting for us. She looked anxious but relieved.We took her to a quiet corner and reassured her that we wanted to help. She finally opened up, sharing her story of domestic abuse. Her husband was controlling and abusive, and she had no one to turn to. We listened, offering support and practical advice. We connected her with a local women’s shelter and legal aid services.One day, however, we heard shocking news: a woman had tried to attempt suicide,some people brought her to the hospital. When the doctor saw her, he immediately recognized her as the woman we had been helping. She had reached a breaking point, unable to cope with the relentless abuse and rejection from both her husband's family and her own. They had ostracized her for not giving birth to a male child, and her husband, refusing to divorce her, had driven her to the brink of despair.We rushed to the hospital once again, our hearts heavy with worry. When we arrived, we found her lying in a hospital bed, looking more fragile and defeated than ever. The doctor explained her tragic situation to us. Despite the hardships, her husband refused to grant her a divorce, trapping her in a nightmare with no apparent escape.Determined to help, we contacted local women's shelters and legal aid organizations. With their assistance, doctor also helped her file a police report against her husband and his family for domestic violence and attempted murder. The legal team assured us they would push for a protection order and work towards securing her a safe place to stay.Over the next few days, we visited her regularly, bringing food and staying by her side to offer emotional support. Slowly, she began to regain some strength and hope. The women's shelter provided her with a temporary place to stay, and legal proceedings were set in motion to free her from her abusive marriage.Aksha, and I became her voice, and her source of hope.In time, the woman started to rebuild her life. She found a job and began therapy to heal from her trauma. Knowing she wasn't alone anymore gave her the courage to move forward. The experience profoundly changed us all, teaching us about resilience, compassion, and the impact of standing together against injustice.Eventually, the woman moved to a different city,she was not having phone so we don't have her contact number. We lost direct contact with her but often think about her and hope she is doing well. Though we miss her and the bond we formed, we take solace in knowing that our support helped her escape a dire situation and start a new life. We continue to advocate for those in need, inspired by the difference we made in her life.This harrowing journey reminded us that while we may not be able to change the world, we can make a significant difference in someone's life. And sometimes, that makes all the difference.
when a woman stands for woman for women empowerment it automatically empowers the all other women to tackle such issues..they get hope that still humanity is alive and the are not alone!!
© soumya.tiwari