

Where Destinies Unite : Episode 5
We packed up our bags as the dispersal bell rang. As usual, I walked out of the campus alone. That day, I felt someone was following me. I took a pause to look behind, and wasn't surprised. It was Stallion, not in a very nice mood. "What's up?" I said, trying to cool him down.
"You know what, Vic? Don't come in my way, or else..." he sounded furious.
"Else..?" I chuckled.
His fists snapped at my collar, as he turned violent.
"You'll remember this for the rest of your life!"
"You think that will help, don't you?" I spoke in my serious tone, "Leave... my... collar."
"What if I don't?"
"You'll regret it."
Adrian saw me getting into trouble and butted in. "Hey Stallion, don't you dare!"
"Two vs one huh?"
"I said, get away from Vic!"
I noticed the crowd of girls gathering at a distance. They always mean trouble. Stallion let go of my collar as if he's about to retreat, but suddenly turned and burst out in a punch.
I didn't react, but Adrian got furious. He went at him with another strong punch! As the fight started getting intense, I noticed my lip was bleeding from the earlier blow.
"Dude stop!" I pulled my friend back, "there's no reason to fight with him." Adrian looked at me with curiousity.. he always wondered how I remain so calm and controlled. "Okay.. let's go."
As we stared to go our way, Stallion charged at me from behind. I turned at the precise moment and stopped the punch with one hand. He was quite surprised at first, then he started squealing in pain as I held his wrist too tight. "Don't..." I said, looking into his eyes, throwing the guy back.
"It's about that girl, isn't it?" Adrian asked.
"I think he got really pissed at me"
"Well, of course Vic; what are you gonna do about it?"
"Ask him the question. I bet he's not starting a fight again."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead"
"You look rather slim.. how are you thar strong?"
"You know me, man" I said, getting on my bike.
At home, my punching bag was waiting for me. I had spent months building up this frustation in me, which was overflowing. I was close to beating up a boy from school, I thought, it can't be this way. I must learn how to control it, otherwise it won't be good for anyone.
It was the doorbell. I had told Adrian not to show up at my house these days. Who could it be, then? I walked towards the door with swift steps.