

A woman accused a man of steeling
One's ago there was a man named keven he lived in a small hot in a enoumuse village he love to garden so he bought 2 lots of land to plant . But one day a woman name leana bargged in his house accusing him lf stelling her property .
He said " Miss I bought those land to plant to take care of my medical bills please I have prove she moched him and made fun off when he said here my paper work to prove it "Ahhh" she said shouted " And said you stoled it and wright your name on it
Then two police men came in with long boots and shades 'Come with me you two ' as they pushed the mr keven and miss leana they then arivved at the stashion she explain that the man stole me property
He said " No I would never do such a think "
What she had heard next made her eyes swist. This man is ower police manager he ritired a week ago because his wife had died and he wanted to start fresh
She swekked like a rat She wanted to die and she said sorry it was a joke He was tirred of being treated that way so he Went back to work
The woman was arrested for acussing a innocent manager
lesson of the day never lie on someone that is innocent .... THE END
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