Aforji was startled awake by loud noises close to the tiny window of their hut. She jumped over her mother's still sleeping form on the mud bed and into the ground. She almost stepped on Nnaochin her younger brother, who was still asleep on a bamboo mat on the floor of the room.
"We are inviting you all to the igbu ewu ceremony of Ada Ukachi at Nde-Imaga compound square on the next orie market day. Come one, come all !"
Aforji scanned the faces of the group of girls making the announcement from the window, she recognised a few of them and waved enthusiastically.
The igbu ewu ceremony is a send off party organised by the family of a soon to be bride, sending her off to married...
"We are inviting you all to the igbu ewu ceremony of Ada Ukachi at Nde-Imaga compound square on the next orie market day. Come one, come all !"
Aforji scanned the faces of the group of girls making the announcement from the window, she recognised a few of them and waved enthusiastically.
The igbu ewu ceremony is a send off party organised by the family of a soon to be bride, sending her off to married...