

In love with a human 💙


The story is about a demon named Swara she was from the reel of succubus demon.
She is a demon of lust and sexuality and can make both men and women as a target.
She also had a power of killing the child in the womb of the mother just by giving them visions and playing with their dreams.
She can ruin your love life just by manipulating your dreams.
When she was on the hunt for her next victim she chose a male prostitute this time.
She went in front of him in a form of a beautiful lady. Like she used to go in front of her other victims.
But this time as she went in front of the guy he started screaming her reel name that was succubus.
Completely shocked she ran away for the first time in an eternity she was scared of a human.
The guy went behind her at the back side of the club and saw her opening her dark and demonic wings and fly away.

She was so scared that when she went hunting for her next victim she killed the whole family of the lady including her new born child.
The fear inside her grown as she went a way too dark inside her memories that she was able to see her past running in front of her eyes like how she became a demon and how the love of her life was taken away by the god and how her child died inside her belly.
Here she sees herself as a beautiful lady and her lover was the most charming angel ever made by god.
As they met swara was not able to control her lust for him and they get intimate and she fell for his love and he loved her too.
But her lust was stronger then her love and she use to get intimate with anyone she desired for.
And that was her the biggest mistake she did.
She went to the god to confess and ask for apology but what she got in return was devastation.
God took her love away from her as the punishment and even killed her child.
And that was the point when the demon came out from inside of her the pain and the darkness inside her turned into a demon the dark wings cold white eyes and long black hair she herself became the curse to humanity and decided to kill every one with the lust.
As all this came in front of her eyes and she tried to fly away but noticed the prostitute standing in front of her.

She asked him to leave her and why is he here to which he replied that he is following her from the moment he saw her at the club.
She further asked him that how can he see me in this form as this from is hidden from humans and they can only see her in the form they desire their perfect lust mate to be.
He told her that he is getting her visions since he was a child.
He further continued that she never scared him neither he felt lust for her he was in love with her.
And not the beautiful forms she convert herself into but from the real demon she is.
She was so shocked she then further asked him how he knows about her origin.
He said he didn’t knew that she was real until that night when he saw her at the club.
And as he came near her and touched her face gently she felt a bit different and just with one touch of his hands she came down at peace but then the fear again shoots inside her and she just fly away high and high in the sky.
The next time she decided to make a group of young boys as her victim as she was full of lust and was not able to control her powers because of the fear and just wanted to kill as many people as she can just to quiver her blood hunger and lust.
She then brought them all to a abandoned building.
She then started get intimate one by one with every single boy and also started killing them with the deadly nail at the end of the tentacle which came out every single time when she was drowned in her lust. So she killed them by stabbing with the nail and when she came to the last guy she noticed him and for the first time he got to know his name was abhimanyu.

As she came near him to kill him and remove all her fear he kissed her.
He kissed her and the demon started to fade away and the dark and ugly wings turned into white and beautiful wings her eyes turned normal and she was a beautiful angel again.
But one of the guy came running and stabbed abhimanyu and the enchanting kiss broke because of which she again turned into a demaon and this time she was more dangerous and powerful but as she turned back into her senses another guy came and stab her with the holy knife and she became weak she called out abhimanyu for help and as he opened his eyes he noticed he has transformed himself into a demon and then he kills them all and runs toward swara and hold her tightly in his arms and give her the healing kiss because of which he looses the demon in him and swara becomes the most beautiful demon of the hell who is in love with this human.

© Vartika Modi