

The Mysterious Forest

As Jinx grows up Vanilla decides to take Vanilla hunting with Edgor and Raven.  On Jinx's first day hunting in the mysterious forest Vanilla only expects Jinx to watch and observe their techniques while Vanilla explains what Edgor and Raven are doing.  Vanilla's slowly learning about where the food comes from and how to get it.  Over time she always gets flowers and makes pretty chains.  Jinx usually picks daisies and wildflowers that she finds in the mysterious forest.  Vanilla is helping Jinx and her cubs to be more independent.

Jinx continues to go hunting with Vanilla and her brothers every day.  Vanilla teaches Jinx how to climb trees and walk along branches but Vanilla's not comfortable with Jinx pouncing out of the trees just yet.  Vanilla shows Jinx the Deers and tells her not to chase after them yet until Vanilla's confident that she's ready because the deers have horns and can protect themselves from a small cub.  One day Jinx will be big and strong enough to outsmart deers and then she'll be able to hunt them.  Until Vanilla feels like Jinx is ready to hunt deers she is only allowed to chase rabbits.  Edgor and Raven hunt and play together while Vanilla's training Jinx to hunt.  Edgor and Raven feel like Vanilla's spending more time with Jinx because she's the only female in the family they become a little jealous.

On the way back to the cave that day Edgor and Raven decided to swim in the lake to play and cool off and Vanilla offers to join but they don't seem interested.  Vanilla talks to Tuxedo about them not wanting to join in with training Jinx and how they didn't seem to like the idea of Vanilla playing in the lake with Edgor and Raven when she gets inside the cave with the rabbits Edgor and Raven caught.  Tuxedo went outside to the lake to teach them how to catch fish, Edgor caught some fish and Raven caught on pretty quickly on how to use his paws.  Tuxedo caught a small fish to give to Jinx.  While Tuxedo was teaching Edgor and Raven to fish Tuxedo reminded them of what they used to be like when they were learning to hunt and then told Edgor and Raven to help guide Jinx to be better instead of showing off about how good they are.  All Jinx needs is support, help and guidance to be a good hunter.

Tuxedo, Edgor and Raven go back into the cave after fishing.  Tuxedo gives the small fish to Jinx and Edgor and Raven give all the fish they caught to Vanilla.  Vanilla gives them a polite nod saying thanks while Jinx is enjoying her first fish.  When Jinx finishes her fish Edgor and Raven take her outside to play.  Inviting Jinx to play makes her feel part of the family and Tuxedo giving Jinx her first fish made her feel very special and happy.  While Jinx was outside playing with her borthers Edgor and Raven taught Jinx how to catch fish.  Edgor and Raven told her to sit on a rock or at the side of the lake where fish won't expect her to attack, they told Jinx to attack using her sharp claws and wait for the right time to strike so she doesn't miss the fish swimming by.

Instagram: @ _unicorn.fish_
© Lydia 2023