

Hell like never seen before CHAPTER 1(My consciousness)

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.This all had since I met with an accident from a car while,I was going to my home from my college.The accident occurred in a sudden that I am unable to take a step either back and forth.That time when I was going to loose my consciousness that I saw someone carrying my in his arms and taking me towards the ambulance.The ambulance took me to the nearby hospital.In hospital I got treated for some days in hospital. After become conscious In present I got up from my bed and started running from my room but stopped at a sudden in a corner when I came to know about the fact that this is the hospital which had closed for a long time and also see the same in his dreams.The history behind the hospital is that the hospital is haunted as a doctor killed himself after killing all his staff members. The doctor got mental after the post mortom of a girl which died due to the operation operated by the doctor and carelessness of the staff members.I again regain my full consciousness after watching all the history got replayed as a movie in front of my eyes.After that I thought in my mind why I am damned here and what is my connection with the hospital and how I am alive now.