

I sat there sipping on my milky goodness as I stated at him. Watching him walk, studying him and just enjoying the pleasant view of him talking, smiling and laughing with whomever that it was on the other end of the phone call. To say it was a beautiful sight would be an understatement. His alluring brown eyes twinkling with laughter, his pearly white teeth, glistening in the sunlight. Not to mention his breathtaking looks that makes me swoon.

As if sensing eyes on him, his head whipped to my direction. I looked away so quickly, even light speed would be jealous. From the corner of my eye, I could see him getting closer and closer towards me. I tried acting casual, to pretend that I wasn't staring. I could feel my heartbeat speed up as he got closer, I could hear it beating as if it was a mini band in my ear. The closer he got the more nervous I became, but I wasn't worried about that, iwas worried about the only thing that could tell I was staring.

I was worried about blushing, infact I was terrified. He was only mere metres away from me and I was trying not to blush. If that failed, which it might, I'd have to come up with something, but at the rate at which my brain was working, it would be complete and utter nonsense. As I'm about to take a sip of my drink, I felt a shadow cast over me that made me shudder, I glanced at the beaut with angelic features who stood tall and proud before me. His captivating brown eyes that had small specks of gold, took my breath away. We stared at each other for minutes that felt like years and I loved every second of it. As I was staring, I could feel my face getting warmer by the second. My eyes widened in terror, but by the smirk on his face I guess he noticed this too. With me mentally panicking, I wasn't thinking straight. In the last second I made a mad dash out the café and straight home.

Later that night, I thought about all that happened that day. I started laughing like a hyena. I laughed at my stupidity and more importantly, my fear. My fear of blushing.