

zombie time
someone else is out there, watching us someone else just bit me. I'm bleeding Bob, where's your first aid kit at? around your mail from your mailbox I'm searching for it in your car's glove compartment what is it Kleenex at the clinic is what? Bob spoke about her searching for it in his car around the same time he was stuck outside of his first car by his jean jacket. well it's dark, and you can't see a lot. of the glove compartment but, if you use a flashlight says spike Bush to Pamela bush. his sister's a person biting your arm. as Bob gets loose, he head's to his trunk, to grab a crowbar. to help Pamela bush, by attacking the attacker, that attack his girlfriend Pamela Bush, while attempting to get unstuck from the car door that wasn't opening up for him at all.

© Tristan Antwan heidelburg