

Runaway Ch.8 Pt.3
Kaden runs through the woods in panic and fear. He runs into a bear trap as he lets out a scream. Bryan runs and helps him. Kaden screams in fear and pain.
Bryan: Hey! Hey! I got you.
Bryan picks him up on his shoulder and carries him to the hospital where suezan is training.
Suezan: Kaden!
Suezan runs and tells the nurses some doctor stuff.

Bryan sits by his side. Kaden walks up the high as a Kite. Kaden tries to sit up
Bryan: hey! Hey! Don't sit up or move!
Kaden: Bryan?
Bryan: Hey, how are you feeling?
Kaden: like shit!
Bryan looks tired.
Kaden: you should go home panda
Bryan: bruh! I'm fine
Kaden: Bryan, I don't want you sick
Kaden: You worried about me, Bryan... Also pandas?
Kaden: yes, you are my panda
Bryan rolls his eyes. Tris comes in. Bryan leaves to give them time alone.

Kaden: Why are you even here?
Tris: Because I love you
Kaden: Love me? You even told Chris and Max. Like NO, the worst was you telling the whole school about my uncle.
Tris: YES, because you broke up with me bitch
Kaden is in this belief
Tris: you hurt me? I need an apology
Kaden: Bitch please! GET THE FUCK OUT!
Tris: no, say sorry, you crazy hoe
Kaden presses the nurse button.
Tris pulls out his IV, Kaden throws the medal pan across the room. Bryan and Nathan run in.
Nathan: the fuck going on
Tris: he tried to kill me
Bryan looks at Kaden's arm and grabs his pocket knife.
Bryan: Get out, Tristen!
Tris: But he...
Bryan: leave!
Tris leaves
Bryan: Hey, nat! You asked your ask dad yet
Kaden: asked about what?
Nathan: I think you are in danger, so you should probably go home with Bryan. Also, Dad thinks it's a good idea.
Kaden: I don't want to get anyone else hurt because of me. So I guess I will go.

© Jordan