

Ohera - Where's Alice?
"Gather round as I speak of an Ohera!"

I have here a page! A story from Alice herself!
She named it this!

"Alice decides to share a story about herself written down in her Diary. "

I will read from the Pages of an Ohera!

In the heart of Wonderland, where the illogical was the norm, lived Alice, an Ohera. Oheras were known for their ethereal beauty, their laughter like wind chimes, and a peculiar trait – their left shoe was always untied!

Alice was no exception. Her left shoe, a delicate slipper of spun moonlight, perpetually remained untied. But this wasn't merely a fashion statement or oversight. When Alice tied her left shoe, she vanished from sight, becoming invisible to all but one – the Cheshire Cat.

The Cheshire Cat, with his mischievous grin and knack for appearing and disappearing, was Alice's confidant and companion. He reveled in her invisibility, their shared secret adding a layer of thrill to their already eccentric lives.

One day, as Alice wandered through the Talking Forest, her left shoe, as always, untied, she stumbled upon a curious sight. A group of Card Soldiers were frantically searching for a missing Queen of Hearts' tarts.

Intrigued, Alice tied her left shoe, disappearing into thin air. The Cheshire Cat materialized beside her, his grin widening. "An opportunity, my dear," he purred, his eyes twinkling.

Invisible, Alice crept closer to the Card Soldiers. She overheard them grumbling about a mysterious thief who had snatched the tarts right under their noses.

Unseen, Alice followed the trail of crumbs, the Cheshire Cat floating beside her, his disembodied head occasionally chuckling. The trail led them to a hidden clearing where, to their surprise, they found the tarts untouched. But there was no sign of the thief.

Suddenly, the clearing was filled with a blinding flash of light. When Alice could see again, she found herself standing before the Queen of Hearts herself, who was fuming.

"You!" the Queen roared, pointing at Alice, whose left shoe was now, mysteriously, tied. "You stole my tarts!"

Alice's heart pounded. How had the Queen seen her? She hadn't untied her shoe.

Just then, the Cheshire Cat appeared, his grin stretching from ear to ear. "Perhaps, Your Majesty," he said silkily, "you're mistaken. Alice here has been with me all along."

The Queen blinked, confused. The Cheshire Cat was known for his tricks, but even he couldn't conjure an invisible Alice.

"Very well," the Queen huffed, "but if one more of my tarts goes missing, you'll be the first I blame, girl."

With that, the Queen stormed off, leaving Alice and the Cheshire Cat alone.

Alice untied her left shoe, vanishing once more. "Thank you," she whispered to the Cheshire Cat, who was dissolving into his signature grin.

"Think nothing of it, my dear," the grin replied. "After all, in Wonderland, the impossible is simply a matter of perspective."

And with a wink of his vanishing eye, the Cheshire Cat disappeared, leaving Alice alone, invisible, but never truly unseen
© GreenShamanCowboy