

Do you believe in Reincarnation?
It's 5:00am and I am getting ready for my morning routine. I wear a sports bra and a black fitted leggings. I start a warm up exercise at the frontyard and wear my earphones. Then I start jogging along the pathways in the woods and go across the villages, I run 2km everyday. This routine makes my body active and my heart race.

My heart is pounding as I reached the woods. I really like the kind of scenery in the woods, this is my 1st km run and the 2nd is when I reach the village. I am getting nearer at the village and as I almost finish my lapse. The stoplight at the corner of the street will be my finish line before I proceed through my house. At the age of 28 you realize a more mature way of living lonely and getting smarter. The vehicle on the other side is driving while the stoplight is at it's stop sign. The car seems to be out of control as it gets faster, it passes by. I was at the corner of the post of stoplight busy listening in my loud music of Taylor Swift's Red song when that car that I saw passed by has bumbed me from behind. I was unconscious.

Am I floating? Where am I? "Cristal". Somebody called my name but all I see is a complete white thin air. There's no place to be seen, no streets, no street signs, no trees, no waters, no vehicles or anything constant. But I heard it, somebody has called me. Am I dead? Oh there it is, there's a man standing behind me I can feel his breath. I looked at him and I don't know him but I think I recognize him somehow, I knew I never meet this guy. He is not one of my ex boyfriends, neither my friend nor my family member. I asked him, "who are you?" and he said "I am your soulmate. You are in the astral projection." What?! I am shocked, what is an astral projection? And soulmate? I don't know any of these? I feel so lost and desperate to breath because I can feel I am lifting my whole body without weight and it really scares me.

The man is bald, and he is creepy because I can see him floating in front of me like a ghost and he explained to me; "You are in the astral projection, you will be here for the rest of your death as soon as the time of your reborn will happen. You are your soul and I am your soulmate, have you felt the feeling of recognizing me but you knew we never met based on my physical look? Yes, I also felt that." I am really getting into my knees out of cringe even though I can't see my knees, because just like he said. I am my soul and I am dead. The longer he explains, more 'hows and whys' are running in my mind because all I know about death's souls place are Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.

"What is your name?" I asked my soulmate? "I don't have a name, even you. You don't have a name anymore until you reborn. I called you Crystal because that is the last thing people will know you but you are not a person anymore. You are a soul now so there's nothing to know about basic informations about living." I feel more confused, we flew around the vast thin air while we talk and as we flew farther I saw more souls and the white clouds disappear in front of ourselves. "Are we in the Purgatory?" I asked him without hesitations. "We are in the astral projection or somehow you can call it purgatory though there is no judgement to wait in order to be in heaven. But yes Heaven is real and you are not yet going there unless you complete your journey to Reincarnation." I was shocked when I heard about reincarnation I know reincarnation but I don't totally believe about it. As we rome around the floating souls most of them talk but I don't understand the language they speak, they are like mumbling. We past through them and we saw a mirror. What's the purpose of that mirror and why I can't understand the souls conversations? He held my hand and said " We cannot understand them because they can only understand themselves together with their soulmates. While we talk they might also think that they don't understand what we are talking about. That's how it goes, soulmates can only talk to each other and understand each other because we are a soul that are molded to be one. And that mirror, is the karma. If you look in the mirror you will see your past life and that mirror will show you how did you cherish and handle your life before. If you did goodness you will be reborn in a good life and less problems. If you did bad from your past life you will be reborn with a survival life depending on the way you wasted your past life in a fair evaluation, in order to survive you have to do good and think good. But if you are a disabled person in your past life, it means that you are getting nearer on completing your journey and enough paying karma from your goodness. And that's when you will reach the Heaven when you die again."
Oh I'm sorry I haven't listening to him because while he talks, I was just staring at the mirror and I am currently watching myself right now in the mirror. The mirror is showing me my life before I died, it shows me my accomplishments and my sins. I can feel my tears in my cheeks while watching it. I am a flexible person who works 3 different jobs at San Francisco, I am a cashier at Jerry's Grill Restaurant for 4hrs. Near the restaurant 1200 meters, I collect a hand written files from the Toy Rush Factory for Encoding at 7pm, and I do online jobs at home like chatting to foreigners in order to earn. It shows that the 2 jobs that I am doing are good but the chatting for fantasy romance online is bad. I guess my karma will be a hard living but I don't want to judge myself for my future, I just let karma make the bill for the price I have to pay. It's sad but I guess that's the truth.

He slid his soul into mine as if we were hugging while I wipe my tears. I can feel our souls breathing as one, beating as one and melding as one and we braid our smoke souls. And then I asked him how long have he been here in the astral projection? And where is he in my life before I died? He stared at me and take a deep breath, " I am here in the astral projection for almost 10yrs before I met you today, and I am not with you in your life before you died. You didn't find me and I didn't find you, we always don't meet in our past lives. But you should guess maybe faith will turn us around when we reborn. While you were Cristal in your recent life, you are at your sprout as a baby while I am a 7th grader in middle class school. I am older than you and we had a different lives, for me I need to rome and travel places because Los Angeles is not for me. I came to Mexico, Venezuela and Spain when I reached 25. I grew rich and I married my wife just for fun, I have never been serious in love. I never got the chance to meet you because I didn't look for you. All I want is happiness and that doesn't meant serious. I wasted money and buy buildings and build legacy just for me. I don't like to share that's why I didn't have children for inheritance of my treasures. I just let the greedy people stole my treasures when I died. And there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe that's why I haven't been reborn until now, because the future waits for the wasted land in earth and a nature with suffocating air when the end is near because that's how I will pay my debt." I am devastated from his emotions, does he really deserve it? I talked to him and then I told him that it is faith who decide if we either meet or not. And did it ever come to your mind that what if we meet each other in the living? Will he do good for me or we will both continue being a business partners who gambles? What really matters is that you decide what you will do to your life and how you will cherish every moment you make. And you deserve to be happy weather you do good or bad. If doing bad is what makes you happy then be bad. If doing good is what makes you happy then do good. We all have a purpose in the world, sometimes you are born to do bad because that is your purpose in the living. But the most important moment of all is we continue our journeys, because journey is a way to God's home upon completion. So we should accept our purpose in life because for me we are all important.

As we flew through the air there's a hole that is slowly opening beneath us. I can see buildings and a floating drones that steadily parked in the air. There are fewer trees and people are wearing no more makeups. They don't laugh or cry, they are all poker face. What's happening? Is it the future? We are both drowning in the hole, we are like flashing and we go along and our souls separates and I am feeling a thick water in a small round cover that allows me to beat. I am connected in a soft wires in the round cover and that's where I felt air. Where am I? Really?

~ A new beginning ~

At the lying in hospital a baby girl named Dexie is born at 8:35pm.


Hi guys, first of all this is fictional. I want to share this story because I have read the book "Reincarnation, Karma, and Soulmates" when I was in highschool and that's where I create a story based on my understanding on the book. It is written by Jamie Licauco a Filipino author and I really admire him the way I admire Paulo Coelho and Mitch Albom. They are all knowledgable and that keeps me inspired from reading more.

Please comment if you have any conclusions or clarifications from the story and if you want for continuation of the story. Thanks for reading I hope that you like it somehow. I respect you guys. xoxo
#writcoshortstory #ibelieve #storytime