

What is this?
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. What did I...kill someone? I was so scared I don't do any crimes sure I skip school sometimes but not kill someone.
Sabrina,Sabrina,Sabrina wake up. W-What!? You were having another nightmare. Are you okay? Yeah I'm fine. Thanks Rachel you're always here to help me. No problem I know you would do the same. I go back to sleep hoping all the nightmares would be over not just for the night but forever. Wake up Rachel we have school today. Noooo! I want to skip today. Well I do to but we have exams all week. Ugh whatever let's go.
We head over to school and talk until the bell rings. Oh look it is Chloe and Harper. I don't know why you wanna be friends with them. Because there cool I mean they have tattoos.
Hey Sabrina. How's it going? G-Good what about you guys? Well we would be much better if your dad would stop failing us. He failed you guys again? Well I'll talk to him or I could get his key and unlock the closet with all the answers. What!? You can't do that. I can and I will. Girls you guys will have the answers by tommorow morning including the exams. Yay! Thanks so much Sabrina you're the best in fact let's go shopping after school.
Okay then I'll see you guys later bye Chole and Harper bye girl.
After school and shopping.
Today was fun and I need to stay in the group so I need to get those answers I take my dad's key and go there but right when I have the answers in my hand I hear a deep voice. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THOSE ANSWERS!?
End of chapter 1
Hope you enjoyed will get more exciting as we go I promise keep reading for more entertainment bye.