

The Reaping Of His Rapture
We're waking up in what appears to be a parallel universe. The presents of invisible army, surrounds every human born to man on Earth. The question is, who is their general? Who is their leader, ruler and etc? I read on CNN, the Pentagon and NASA, reported sightings of an UFO! You here the phrase, I quote, "A NEW WORLD ORDER." This is what we were warn about. When Jesus Christ was born, no one ever knew of the Northstar. The brightest light in the sky to help the three wise men find their way! Could this hovering UFO, have been our Northstar? Are maybe we haven't seen or the three God appoints to seek out our Lord and savior, haven't gotten God's message yet.

There were many warnings in the Bible about man's (humans, seeds of Satan) being of our on destruction. It hasn't been more than two century, since a miracle drug, called penicillin. Yet we stand here at this very moment in disarray, as thousand of our people die. At the end of every decade, our government performs a census! This has been a constant routine since the birth of Jesus. But has only been practice in the United States, for no more than 290 years. Just shy of the American Revolution. This account carries a detailed record of every human alive and well in the United States accounted for.

I can only imagine how many became retractions, once the information was received. The devil tricks us every time, we think we can do as God does. God is the only one who can keep a record of the living and the dead. Otherwise, thru man, someone will be unaccounted for. Who are they looking for, besides the ones that are ALREADY ACCOUNTED FOR? WHO'S LIVING A DOUBLE LIFE? WHO TOOK SOMEBODY ELSE'S LIFE? WHO'S HERE AND NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE? (Aliens) Are these real aliens are illegal aliens? No one's ever asked! I wonder if when Jesus was here the first time, was he, like ET phone home!

He always used to tell me, "don't you see the play?" What does it really mean? Is it something on Broadway? The devil loves creating drama with man to get God's attention! I truly believe that in the Bible, where God speaks of the garden of Eden and that it had two trees one was a tree of life and the other was a tree of death and conscience. The tree of life was for Adam and Eve and the tree of death and conscience was for Satan to eat from. I believe, he knew he could not eat from the tree of Life! And yet, never tried but he wondered if he could trick Eve and Adam to eat from the tree of death and conscience. And if they survived it and he saw what happened then he felt like he could eat from the tree of Life.

I can go on and on. But the truth of the matter is, someone or something has yet again eaten from that same tree that only Satan was supposed to eat from. That day in the garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, Satan was able to start his new world order. Because we did not listen and hold to God's word, what was supposed to have been our Paradise became our prison. Satan felt like he had no place, which he didn't and want to govern over what God had already planned. Because we betrayed our heavenly father, God then had no choice. (to be continued)