

The bonding.
You don't need to be a flag bearer all the time and when something touches down to you right from the childhood and in a great velocity it still, is all about what it brings to you and then how something else has unfolded it's role in your life at the same time. It's been exactly 14 years today since I haven't only became an England cricket team fan, but it was the beginning of a bonding and my cousins clearly used to say" When you live in India be Indian and I always used to have a good laugh or have a giggle around it. To be a countryman, it is not mandatory upon you that you have to paint yourself from head to toe, to the colour of that country where you live. Make yourself a proper learner who could stitch the ability to actually detect what is it that is spreading itself like septic and how it is damaging us when it comes to the mind frame and it also gives us the clear illustration that don't make yourself flattened on the outlook that people have or they may have. Nationalism in India or for India specifically it drags it's democracy to the downhill, the things I have interpreted since my childhood" It always has put forward. These people don't need a society rather these people need groups of renowned personalities and whosoever is a little low they would then automatically consider them as the misfit, isn't that right. India is approaching its 77th independence day but we, still haven't gotten out from the overwhelming thing that we get when we hear a Doctor, Engineering, or an Advocate. We don't process a person as a person who may have something but, we only look at them as an individual. I am extremely thankful to Allah that, I have reached out to a very shaky but a crucial lesson and I would like to thank, Australia that they have lost from England this day in 2010.