

Last chapter

Now I just had to find Jane. And the real one this time. When I walked out of the two-story building, surprisingly I found her standing beside my car. She smiled as she saw me.

Jane: I only noticed now that your new car is awesome. Want a good deal?

I chuckled with my hands on my waist and walked towards her.

Chris: No way.

We sat in the car together. I suggested to turn towards the beach as we had a lot to talk about.

At that hour of the day, the beach was somehow completely empty. We sat together taking our shoes off.

Jane: Perfect.

Chris: What?

I asked looking at her.

Jane: Bright daylight, cool wind, empty beach and…

Chris: And…

Jane: A crazy jerk.

I smiled.

Jane: I know you have a lot to ask. Go on.

Chris: That day…why were you bruised up so badly?

Jane: I’m not sure. I woke up and saw myself in that state. I think you know what I mean.

Chris: I do. It’s funny.

Jane: What is?

Chris: You were really brave, till the end. I feel so stupid for not doing anything and not realizing what I did. I still don’t know how you turned out to be my savior every time. It should be the other way around.

Jane: So what are you suggesting? Am I some kind of guardian angel?

Chris: Maybe you are. Who knows?

Jane: Yeah, right.

We both became quiet after that and just listened to the peaceful silence around us. It’s been so long since I actually breathed a sigh of relief. After a moment, she spoke-

Jane: Do you know what mistake I was talking about? When I said I don’t want you to repeat it since I did two years ago…

Chris: I don’t. And I don’t think I want to any time soon.

Jane: Why?

Chris: I’m tired. My life had been a terrible roller coaster since the past few weeks. A roller coaster on which I’m the only one. Screaming and shouting but no one to pay attention. With no one to stop that scary ride.

Jane: I get it.

Chris: You do?

Jane: You’re acrophobiac!

She said smiling like a child. I started to laugh.

Jane: I’m not joking. I’m serious.

She whined.

Jane: I think you’ve suffered all of your pain in a week. Now, it should be smooth sailing ahead.

Chris: I hope so. She was a tough one, right?

Jane: Yeah, but your guardian angel is always ready to rescue you from now on.

Chris: Thanks.

Jane: You know what, I have a doctor of my acquaintance who can treat phobias in a snap. Do you want me to…?

Chris: No, thanks. I’m fine.

Jane: We’ll visit Sam tomorrow, together.

She said as she looked at me.

Chris: Sure.

Jane: And your mom too.

I turned towards her again smiling. I then brought my hand up and flicked her forehead.

Jane: Ow! What was that for?!

I giggled.

Chris: Nothing.

After a long time, I finally felt as if I can finally be happy…with my new best friend. Of course, I still had tons of questions in my heart…but I felt they should be buried deep down. For now, I just wanted to enjoy my time with this person. Turns out, she really was my savior in the end.

The next day, we visited Sam and my mother. After giving them beautiful flowers, we spent the rest of our day roaming everywhere and visiting pretty places I and she wanted to see. I got to know her more too. It was a perfect day.

When I returned home after a tiresome day, I was about to go to sleep when I remembered something. I got up and took that photo in my hand.

Chris: It should no longer exist. It should be gone from here.

The next morning, I immediately threw it away. After about three weeks, I returned from work at almost dinner time and saw something unexpected at my doorstep. A brown package. It had my address written on it. I picked it up, went inside and started opening it. I had a bad feeling. What I saw…left me shook…Satan. I turned the photo and saw something written on it with a red liquid...blood.

It said,”I missed you…jerk…”

I looked at it in horror as my breathing accelerated and then…I heard it.

“I think it’s time to let me in…again.”

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