

Friends, we know that we are born with a purpose. And when the purpose of our life ends, we die. After our death, people do many good deeds behind us and the deeds we do. Inspiration leads to life. The only thing we always feel is that the good deeds we have done and the good rites of good deeds we pass on to our next generation and make their life better, at that time our life is victorious. But is this idea the true victory of life? Can we truly believe in the success of our lives by passing on the sacraments of good deeds we have done to our next generation? So now the question is what is the true victory of our life? What is the true meaning of burning up of bad psychic imprints? What will be the victory of our life? Many such questions are coming up in our lives today and many people are saying all these things over and over again.
Friends, a good occasion for this is found in a story from the time of Mahabharata .Once Lord Krishna asks Arjuna and Karna to come to him .At that time Arjuna and Karna go to Lord Krishna .At that time Lord Krishna Krishna shows Arjuna and Karna a peacock feather and a stone. And says you choose one of these. At that time Arjuna chooses the peacock's feather and Karna chooses the stone. At that time Lord Krishna Arjuna is asked the reason for his choice. At that time Arjuna says that like a peacock's feather, every time a man who acts according to God's will and lives according to God's will and dedicates his life to God, his life will be successful. And it is conquered .Then Lord Krishna asks Karna what was the reason for choosing the stone .Then Karna says that the man who is as firm as his stone and does not back down from his promise is considered a hero. And in the end the same man succeeds and he alone wins.
Lord Krishna then says that even if a man who is a hero is willing to give his life to fulfill his promise and work hard to fulfill his promise, it is not necessary that every promise leads him to the path of progress. Shows a good way because if you want to succeed in life and move towards a good goal then the way to that goal should also be good because if the goal is good and the way to that goal is not right then human life does not succeed and end He is also defeated because of his promise .Then Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that it is right to dedicate one's life to God like the feathers of a peacock in life, and it brings success to many human beings. Adopts the way more in life. But the peacock's feather also feels good in life only when it is in the crown of God or adorns the art made by the peacock. So it is good to be a peacock's feather but not life behind It is also necessary to have good deeds. If a human being wants to become a peacock and get a place in the crown of God, then he He also has to do good deeds in life like the peacock's feathers .Then his life is successful.
Succeeding in life is the dream of every human being. And only by dreaming man wants to work hard for success. If a student dreams that I have passed 100% of the exams and how happy I was. I will also think that I have to make my dream come true. If I want to go this way of life, then he will definitely be inspired to go that way and he will work hard to achieve this success in life and there will come a time when you will achieve this success in his life. If we want to be victorious in life, then we can achieve that dream by choosing the best way of life to make the dream we have seen and to make that dream a success in the true sense .We are defeated in all situations in life and that is defeat. The only question we have is who should I listen to? And whose advice to follow? Because when we are defeated in life, first of all our mind breaks down and we get frustrated with that task and we feel that we should not do this task anymore and we put our task in the middle. As a result We do not succeed in that task.
We get advice from all the people in this situation of our life that you should do this or that .The advice is given by our relatives or some other friends and we also decide to go that way. As a result we One question remains whether doing so will make my work successful. Would this advice be appropriate? Is there no other option besides this? And we are confused in these questions. Sometimes we feel that we have to do everything ourselves but we can't. As a result, we get very upset and tell other people about us. Somewhere we get sympathy from other people or somewhere we get our own guilt. We are told that you should not do this or that and sometimes people talk in such a way that we are 100% sure that my work will be done with this advice and how do you know that you Make my advice useful in life. If you are not 100% successful, come and tell me so that we can believe him. And to hug us back, he will also say don't worry, I am with you. And I will make you 100% successful in this work. Trust me, so even if we don't believe him, we will believe by listening to him. And if we say anything, he will just say that you don't believe me or not? .So we can't speak and we are forced to believe it .And if we go to speak anything else, it will say that you have to do what you have to do if you don't trust us. There is faith in the word and we also think that it says so much so it should be true.
So even if we go to work believing in it, we still feel that we can really succeed in this. So what should be the solution to this thing that really satisfies us and we can make our work successful. Friends, I am not saying that we should not follow anyone's advice because even with someone's advice we can become victorious from defeat in our life. The advice of our elders is always like nectar for us. The advice with which we succeed in our life. But we should follow the advice in our life that gives us satisfaction in life. Our soul and our mind get satisfaction and When we feel that no advice is useful in life then we should follow the advice of our soul because in our soul and in the soul of every living being in the world is the abode of God i.e. those who follow the advice of the soul and those who follow the advice of the soul Walking on the path indicated by the Paramatma inside, they get a definite victory in life.
If we try hard to win in life, then sometimes it happens to us that the man who lives with us gets ahead of us even with less effort and we are sad that even if he works less than me, he gets ahead of us. Gone and even if I worked harder I stayed behind and people also tell us that even if you worked harder than you he went ahead and you stayed behind and this led us to the man who went ahead with less effort than us Life is jealous and we lose the sense of goodness towards it and people take advantage of this and make us enemies of each other and make us feel bad towards each other. This will help us to move forward. So we should avoid people who make us hostile to each other. Friends, we don't think that one man who is ahead of us can go ahead only if he has the ability to do better than us. It is better to have friendship than to have enmity towards it Only by having friendship will we increase our skills and get to know the good things in it in life and by knowing that we become successful in life.
At some point in our life there are questions that we work hard all the time in life and even if we honestly bring good results in life, sometimes it happens that people who work less than us go ahead of us by doing something wrong and It brings better results than us, so people tell us that even if you do this today, it will bring better results than you or not. And even if you die hard, it will bring less results than this. So it happens to us that we also bring it. If we do something like this and we get a good result like this, then we also get wow wow. Because people value the result, it does not matter how the result is brought. But friends, one thing we need to know in life is that even if you put the real diamond in the coal mine, it does not lose its luster and its value .And the malpractice that results and moves on. Those people are like gold-plated metal that looks like gold However, its value is never the same as that of true gold, but the value of those who are made like gold in life does not diminish even after 100 years. That policy is Narayan and immorality is dog bite. So don't be disappointed with the result of our honesty and hard work and move forward in life and always be satisfied with the result of our honesty. Always remember this in life and always move forward in life.
Friends, every time we think in life that bad thoughts come in life and we do not find a good way, what to do at a time when there is a good way in life and our life is happy, the only way is to worship God and Doing satsang of God because the one who is in the company of Sat Purush is called Satsang and if we stay in the satsang where the company of Sat Purush is, then our thoughts along with our mind and our soul also get welfare and we succeed in life and life Good thoughts also come in. Praising and glorifying God and destroying the negative vices in life that keep our life dark. Man is worshiped with good thoughts in life and good thoughts and deeds according to good thoughts are given to man. Keeps immortal even after death. While a man with bad thoughts and bad instincts cannot come into the true light of life due to lack of satsang and devotion to God, so he keeps his life dark and dies in the darkness of his life And can't even bring the future to a better way in life Therefore, always be in the satsang of God in life and bring the good thoughts in the satsang of God into life and do good to us as well as other people and get our life in the true sense of God's pleasure and our life in the true sense of salvation. Let's move on and inspire our future by doing good deeds in our life and let their life go very well, let them also give us our good thoughts for success in life and the good deeds we have done in our life and Let us call the result of those good deeds our future and by making their life happy, by making our life and our future life a victory in the true sense of the word, let us make our life a true victory by getting salvation in the true sense of our life.
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