

Just Don't Ask
She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she...JD.Arrington is a great women.She always believed in three things god,her mother,and her marriage. Anything outside of that could wait for another episode.One day JD.Arrington found out her nieces and nephew were in trouble the mom wasn't treating them the way she would to any kid.She and her husband decided to move them in their lovely home to get them away from the mother.There were three kids two girls and a boy. The kids were sixteen,fourteen,and twelve. So she had all teenagers, everything went good to around school time the kids didn't know a thing.When report cards come around it was F honor roll but, she still didn't give up on them.Because all she wanted them to do is do better then their mother.So her and her husband decided to turn one of the rooms in the house a classroom for the kids.It was very nice it had a board,markers,paper,etc.Just anything containing school after doing all this for the kids.The kids started showing their true colors the sixteen year old started running away and causing problems at school because she didn't want to take care of the other two.The twelve year old started seeing the sixteen year old doing so he decided be would do it too.JD.Arrington got fed up and started thinking to herself how could she handle them or make them stop running away because it is very dangerous.The police,CPS,Judges got involved which caused her yo just want to give. She is thinking to herself like I brought these kids in my home to try to give them a better life and they do this.The only one who stayed is the fourteen year old and she started sneaking around talking to boys.JD.Arrington would get heated about it because that is something the fourteen year old mother was known for.So she did whatever she had to do to make sure that didn't happen.JD.Arrington was a great mother figure to those kids but she just felt like she wasn't because the sixteen year old and the twelve year old went back and told something that wasn't even true.Had people questioning her personality and family history.It wasn't fair to her to know someone she helped want to see her suffer so bad that they do something like this.She lobed those kids like they were her own she never put them in harms way.Anything they needed they could just come talk to her and she was going to fix it right away.She felt betrayed, hurt,misuse,and stupid.She promise herself that she would never put herself in that position ever again for someone else kids.Now all she focus on is God and her marriage.