

The little girl in the journey of friends.
what is friendship ? Am sorry to start we a question but anyways my name is Wendy ,it has not been an easy way of making n losing many friends in my life from child hood , through teenage life until now .I have meant manys of people with different Intensions iny life and I can't lie to u that at least from each of them I have learnt something new from them life is so beautiful if you have the right people and the right friends with you , cause they also contribute in the building of the right you or in bringing out the real you .
so I want to take you through this journey of the many friends I have meant in my life right away from kindergarten to high school and may be at the end of the book u will be able to help me define what friendship is to you as a reader of this great beautiful book.
I joined kindergarten at the age of two years in a near by school which was not so far away from home , actually to say it was a school just behind home that if u were at school you would even see home .ln the family am the fourth born of five ,so all the first child before me had also gone through the same school .
My mom give birth to five of us two were boys the first and the third born and three girls the second the fourth and the fifth born .By the time I joined kindergarten my brother Rob was in primary two same school with me .My mother has a small kiosk business by then where she would sale food staffs and home useable thing I won't say it was big one and so much more to cut the long kiosk story short ,that's wat kept her busy as a simple house wife.so from that she would pick things n pack for us in our lunch dishes as her lovely children.Me and my brother Rob were going to the same school so on our way to school we could sit on the way and eat everything that was packed for us for breaktime and doing break time we would escape from school come back home to collect other eats for break ,it's not like we're selfish but the innocence of childhood make it difficult for u to tell between right and wrong .And my life at kindergarten was a simple one but the worst thing is I had friends and many of them but don't remember any of them at times I ask my self my I keep forgetting some people, I will still give you the answer to that at the end of our journey in this book .But still out of many friends I went with to kindergarten I only remember one friend and that is Vaola .
why out of many I still remember her is that she was a good friend to me after class we would pass by her home grab some snacks n then head back home for lunch ,the other reason maybe why I still remember her is that her home was close to my grandma's house and after kindergarten our friendship did not quite continue as it was cause we joined different schools for our primary level since then things did change alot there was literally nothing to hold our friendship she joined a boarding school n for me off I joined a public school which was also not so far away from home but abit far compared to my former school .For one to join primary one by then u could put your hand a cross your head n hold on to the other ear ,if one could that it meant that u were old enough to join primary school and so for me I was the prefect one .

So in my years of primary from grade one to grade there was nothing more to say cause I don't even remember most of the events that took place between there .The fun begins wen I join grade three my third year in primary school, passing through grade one and grade two was a bit easy cause teachers would help us answer the papers you only need very little knowledge to past the exams and so I past and went to grade three .
when I joined grade three I hardly knew how to read on my own because we were used to the teacher reading for us and giving us answers that thing affected me alot because making it difficult for me to read ,spell words .The worst was that even simple words gave me difficulty,yes the teachers might have helped me go to the next grade but how did they let me cross over with out even knowing how to read and because of that I paid a great deal which is more expensive than money which Cashed my whole life of education n that mark has moved with me until now , and that is i repeated grade three three times yes that's true how not because I was a child but alot contributed to my repeating grade three,many may judge you so much for the mistakes I made as a child forgetting where am going as an adult cause greatness awaits me ahead .

Never the less I enjoyed grade without knowing how to read or spell even a simple because the teachers in the class before grade three told us what do and what to write little did they know that this would affect us . when I was in grade there I chapped many lessons ,when I got to school late due to my slow moving character and find the teacher on duty punishing all the later comers off to the woods I would run and stay there for all the morning lessons hours .The woods were near the school play ground and I would stay there doing nothing sleep in the forest moving around in the woods eating wild friuts ,as a child I had no fear that may be something wrong could happen to me, all those wrong thoughts did not ever cross my mind"the bible says as a man thinks so his he"and that's why it's rare for children to get in trouble cause their man are not as dirty as mind of adults.
Even our school uniform was a green dress with yellow colors most likely looking like mature .For some who was far away it was hard for him or her to see any child in the woods or one laying down in the grass cause of the uniform, maybe that the reason why I was never caught untill I stopped at habit by my self. During that time in the woods I would move around the all forest alone until one day I found out there was a kindergarten school just after the woods and also a factory where many people would come to brewer alcohol made from sugarcanes ,that be come also one of my good hiding places Incase I got late at school.
All those things lead to my poor performance in class and so I repeated class for three times so for all my life since that day I stayed with kids two years younger than me but all this doesn' mean that I was the oldest student in class no no ,the classes I want to all had kids older than me to ,maybe they had gone through simlar things like me or totally different situations compared to mine like joining school at a late age,lack of school fees, having unable parents all that and also those who where constantly sick that also affected many kid's education.
After all that I was tired of not progressing , remaining in the same class every year and also my dad's promise to take me to better school s compared that public school where students would move for about three miles on foot without shose , putting on torn uniforms and sharing a very small desk with around five people because the class was so crowded with a lot of kids some having no where to sit .All that my father was taking to a far better school so I worked hard in that third year of grade three and enjoyed a good school and this time a private school where every thing was far much different from my former public school.
ohh noo before I forget what question I think most you are asking yourselves did Wendy have any friends back in the private school yes I had not one or two but many ,one of my close good friend was Teddy she was a very nice good from a poor family and a very large family with about ten sisters and brothers from the same father and mom ,never the least their father always kept all of them in school .
I saw a good friend in Teddy so I made her my good friend we shared alot as friends I always wanted her never to feel less so I made sure we could feel the same at most times during break time we could buy things from the school carteen that were able to feed both of us just like the way friends could ,we joined same clubs at school like one of them was the scripture union one of the most popular in school by then .So one day we had a trip to go and meet all the members of the scripture union around the district and each person was to pay just a small fee of (ug shs5000)and so his father was not welling to pay not because he wanted but due to certain circumstances so I decided to pay for the both of us after all that one thing I saw from the friendship we share was that she did care about me so much whether I came to class or not ,even those days where I go to the forest due to fear of punishment from the teacher on duty,she didn't quit care so in actual sense it was a one sided friendship . After all that she passed and wen to the next class and left me in primary three so that how our friendship started getting down to the sea ,she was now to another class n grade do I got my self another friend who had newly joined school due to connections from our English teacher madam permela .She became such a good friend we helped each other in class unlike those days,one day the math teacher gave us an assignment in our last lesson of the day so I had not understood anything so this became abit hard for me and she was like no one is living class with out me checking for the work and am also doing notes checking ,my friend I had no books or notes in my bag it was used to carry less books and eats that's why I repeated grade three .And it's not like my parents didn't care they did a lot during night they would call us make us sit at the dinning table to read but some of us what we did was cover the book with newspapers for them to look good and tire out all the pages from books where we had been marked wrong ,all in all wasting time at the dinning in the picture of reading books.
One day I was given a very poor repeat card with very poor performance so did I do went to the field as many children were moving back home happy I went to the field started crying I placed my report card just behind me tell God with all my eyes soacked in tears to change my report card I cried for almost an hour to a point I could cry no more but report didn't change if I had just a little faith my report card marks would have changed for the better but no by then I didn't understand what faith was or what it were .
All that happened to me my father thought of something that could motive me in order to move from grade three to the next grade so he promised to change me to the a private school so I worked so hard my young sister was attending kindergarten in that private school so I thought also joining such a beautiful school.
The new girl was called Try so we worked together and I past for the next grade unlike my friend Teddy who has left in grade three repeated grade four as we're also joining ,so my father full filled his promise then I joined a private school in grade four .This was a new beginning in my life a new chapter in my life ,things really changed a lot when I joined this school ,my education life changed for the better I got new friends for the better friends that taught me a different chapter of life .