

Cassies Dream PT 21
The following day was busy to say the least. They returned her new truck with the Wrangler and Justin logos now on the sides. Her mom came to get Moon for him to stay with her while Cassie was gone and bring food she had fixed for them to take with them. A large box was delivered from Justin with several pairs of boots for her and Ty as well. She took a couple new pair to trailer but she wasn't sure would wear them to ride. She packs hers and Tys clothes and carries the bags to the back door for Ty to load. Shelly send her a text wishing her luck. Steve and Nina come back to stay while they are gone Sam and Missy do as well. Cassie goes out to see Bella and Vegas the little filly is growing fast and loves to run when they are outside. She gives them treats and gets her saddle and other tack to the trailer. Ty is there to help her get it all put away. "I think that's it babe." Cassie looks in the trailer there is plenty of grain and hay loaded everything seems in place. "I am going to take a shower and lay down for a little bit." "I have to go over a few things with Sam and Stevethere are a couple of possible buyers coming to look at horses while we will be gone." Cassie kisses him and heads in the house she talks with the girls for a little bit plays with the puppies and then goes to take a bath. She is laying in the tub when Ty comes in. He takes his clothes off and steps in the shower. Cassie watches him as he showers "You are so damn sexy." Ty smiles at her as he turns the water off she had stepped out of the bathtub and hands him a towel. "Thank you you are kind of hot yourself." Cassie laughs "You want to head out tonight?Give us a little more time?" Cassie is putting on clothes "Sure if you want." Ty. has towel around his waist and heads to get clothes she puts make up on and pulls her hair up on the sides letting it fall down her back. She gets her make up bag and her purse and heads to the kitchen Ty is standing next to the table talking to Sam. "You ready?" "Yeah I will get Rocket." "Steve went out and loaded him for you." Nina tells her. Cassie hugs her and Missy "Knock'em dead girl." Sam says. And Steve hugs her and Ty "Good luck Sis. We will be watching." Her and Ty get in the truck and head down the highway. "This truck rides nice." Ty says. "Yeah it's different that's for sure." They pass the miles away stopping to see landmarks and other things along the way. Enjoying each other's company and the time together. They pull into the arena in Atlanta GA. with three hours to spare on Friday night.
Cassie pulls fourth spot to ride. Melissa comes to wish her luck telling her she done good by going with the sponsors she did. Telling her they are good to the people the sponsor. Cassie is glad to hear that. Before Melissa walks off she tells Ty they will save him a spot. Cassie goes through all her steps of getting ready. Ty saddles Rocket and has him ready for her. She kisses Ty gets on Rocket and rides up to wait. Ty walks up and finds Melissa and Brett "I think she will go all the way." Brett says to Ty. "I would love to see that happen for her." The announcer tells the time of the rider before Cassie then says okay here comes that pretty redhead that everyone loves Cassie Martin and Rocket. Ty stands up Cassie flies out and around the first two barrels she gives Rocket a kick as she heads to the third he swings around the last barrel in a graceful turn and you can see him dig his feet in to give it his all to the gate. People are screaming in the stands. Melissa says "That run was under sixteen I promise you." The announcer says well that pair right there folks are out to prove a point with a new record for this arena a fifteen point seven nine. The crowd is going crazy Ty looks over and there are girls of all ages waiting for. Cassie to come around the corner. Cassie stops and signs their things for them and let's them take pictures with her and Rocket. Cassie second ride time is fifteen point eight one. The closest time to hers was a sixteen point six three. Cassie wins she rides her victory lap and she has Rocket do his little dance number and rides back to the trailer. Ty is waiting for her "Great job baby." She jumps down and hugs Ty and then hugs Rocket "Good job buddy boy." They get him some water and grain unsaddles him and Cassie rubs him down. The little gal that delivers the prizes rides up and hands Cassie hers. "Lets get around Mobile tomorrow night." They load Rocket and head on to the next stop on her journey. Cassie wins with a fifteen point five four in Mobile and a fifteen point three two in Jackson. They have dinner with Jake and his girlfriend Libby in Jackson before going on into New Orleans. Cassie has a photo shoot on Wedensday with Wrangler. She gets that done with out any trouble. She rides on Thursday night in New Orleans with a win of fifteen point three four. The next night at Baton Rouge she wins with a fifteen point six seven. They get back on the road so they can get to Houston so she can ride there on Sunday night which she wins with a fifteen point eight four. They get a little break she don't ride in Dallas till Wedensday night. They camp at the arena. Cassie won't leave Rocket so they stay around there. She rides in Dallas winning with a fifteen point seven seven. They go over to Ft. Worth she rides there on Thursday night winning with a fifteen point eight three. They then go to Oklahoma City to ride on Saturday night winning with a sixteen flat. They head to Tulsa for Sunday night winning and setting new record there with a fifteen five four. Cassie decides to go ahead and ride in Little Rock before going home for two weeks. They hit Little Rock Where Cassie wins with a a fifteen point six two. They are getting ready to head home when Brett comes running up "Baby is coming" Cassie tells him to have Melissa call her as soon as she feels like it. Then they head for home getting there in the middle of the day the following day. Steve takes care of Rocket for them Sam parks the trailer and unhook it. and pulls the truck ing the garage. the girls get all the dirty clothes and bedding out of the trailer and clean it all up for Cassie. Cassie showers and puts on shorts and tank top. She goes back to the kitchen on the table is a stack of boxes all the same size and shape. Cassie cuts the tape on all of them and pulls open the first one and smiles they are all shots of her riding at each rodeo with her winning times dates and where at on the bottom. Ty comes up behind her "Your sister has done one of the most amazing things for me by giving me these. I mean I can never thank her enough for these." Ty kisses her and gets the hammer and some nails they go into the hallway and Ty hangs them in order of the dates. Thirteen incredible shots of Cassie and Rocket winning. Cassie calls Shelly. Shelly answers Hello dear how are you? Cassie tells her she is fine and that Ty had popped the question. Shelly asked if she got to design the dress. Cassie said of course. And then Cassie tells Shelly that getting her pictures were the most amazing gift that anyone had ever given her and that she would be forever grateful. Shelly told her that she wanted Cassie to have a memory of her dream to last a life time that she could share with family in the years to come. And finally she says it felt like something mom would have thought of to do. And so it felt right. Cassie hangs up and she tells Ty and Steve. "Shelly said the pictures felt like a gift that your mom would have given so Shelly wanted to make sure it got done." Ty and Steve both agree that it would be the kind of thing their mom would have done if she was here.
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